keKit [Blender] - Backlog


v3.32 v3.31
[Bookmarks] Modifier Presets (Fix) - Custom GN path skip fixed

[Bookmarks] Modifier Presets (Fix) - Path error (for Windows systems) fixed

Note: I just include all quick patch releases in the latest version as a single release.



* not literally, but blender UI will probably become unusable after a few hundred, or a thousand or so.
  well before the technical limit is reached








keKit Standard Version is now only available on GitHub
(Please note that Standard Version updates will be less frequent)






















Mouse Axis Move: Auto-Scale Mode (NEW)
• Contextual constraint (Toggle in the MAM TT panel):
  - If the mouse is over selected mesh: No scale constraint (all axis scale)
  - Else, regular Mouse Axis Move axis selection by mouse position
  VIDEO available in the Wiki entry

Ground or Center (NEW/Upd)
• Complete rewrite
• New Group Modes: (Update)
  - Group Average: Raycast uses average position as group raycaster
  - Group Active: Raycast uses Active/Context Object as group raycaster
• Edit mode (NEW): Individual mode will now raycast each selected vert
• Object mode (Update/Fix):
  - Single Object: Each corner of the bounding box will now raycast
• Fix: Will now allow for raycasting below Z0
  VIDEO available in the Wiki entry

Viewport Color Sync (NEW)
• Sync the active material (color, roughness & metallic) to Viewport Display values.
• Button placed in Blender Material properties panel (above the "Use Nodes" button)
• Disabled by default - Toggle in add-on prefs
  VIDEO available in the Wiki entry

QuickMeasure (Fix)
• Fix: clear selection by clicking in empty viewport now works (again?)
• Fix: Freezing selection will now be cleared when toggling Edit/Object mode

Linear Array (Fix)
• Fix: Using (already) linked mesh now possible

Copy+ (Fix)
• Using Copy+ in edit mode adding an object dupe fix

Align Origin to Selected (Fix)
• (Location Only) - Fixed error message bug

Unhide or Local (Fix)
• Fixed unhide "None-type" error


TripleConnectSpin (New/Upd)
• Added Vertex Connect Selected to Active mode in vert mode. VIDEO.

Cursor Fit & Align (Fix)
• Modifiers with mesh-deforming skipped (none-type error msgs)

Nice Project (Fix)
• Selection error popup fix

Context Dissolve (Fix/Upd)
• Now has redo panel(s), instead of forced settings

QuickMeasure (Fix)
• Fixed selection history bug (after re-launching QM)

Unhide or Local Off (Fix)
• Fix deleting visible context object when hidden objects in scene issue

Cleanup - Tiny Edges (Fix)
• Fixed tiny edges always checked bug

Overlay Pie Menu (Upd)
• Disable edit mode options (visually, not just functionally) in obj mode

StepRotate & TT-MouseAxis, TT-Viewplane (Fix)
• Thin object scale axis bug fixed


Extract & Edit (Upd)
• Added Instance Copy Data option - to copy data attributes like normal settings etc.

Context Bevel (Upd)
• Added Automatic 'Apply Scale' to context bevel.

Mouse Mirror & Flip (Fix/Upd)
• No longer gives error for non-mesh objects
• Basic support for non-mesh mirroring (empties etc. location mirror only.)

FitPrim (Fix)
• Cube Mode minimum size issue fixed - box op was set to 1cm min for some reason

Overlay Pie Menu (Upd)
• Added Relationship Lines option
• Removed redundant focus mode scripts


Radial Instances (NEW)
• Modal circular linked-duplication with re-activation feature.
• No modifiers, no geo-nodes.
• Place CURSOR as center. 'Hub' axis is the SELECTED OBJECT axis facing you/view.

Linear Array - Instances (Upd/NEW)
• A new feature for Linear Array (not a separate operator like Radial Instances)
• Converts to Duplicated Linked-Data Mesh Objects (aka 'Instances')
  - This "finalizes" the live modal LA modifier
• Also available as a shortcut during Modal in the regular Linear Array.
  - Meaning, you can re-activate the LA modal and "finalize" to instances at any time
• (Linux) Added support for unsupported keys (such as GRLESS) as "Y" (This)

Extract & Extrude (ExEx) (NEW)
• Extracts mesh selection, offsets and extrudes.
• Duplication panel.
• Adjustments in the redo-panel.

Cursor Fit & Align (Upd/Fix)
• Improved alignments
• Between separate island selection align support
• Fixed z-rotation issue in object mode

Copy+ (Upd)
• Cut+/Copy+/Paste+ rewritten (again!)
• Now uses the native copybuffer (temp-export method) in both Object & Edit Mode
• Paste+ Merge option for Object Mode re-instated:
  (Auto-Merges if Mesh Object is selected when pasting)

Extract & Edit (Upd/NEW)
• Itemize & E&E are now combined into ONE operator (using the E&E name).
• All options are available in the shortcut-editor. Build-your-own variant!

Unrotator (Upd)
• Group Move Feature added: Using temp-parenting to place multi-object selections
• Multi Object Clear Rotation support: Each cleared when pointing at selected obj.
• Fixed (Modal Object Mode) Center Snap:
  Will now snap to the face under the mouse when done (not when starting)
• Options in the redo-panel are now the same as the keKit panel props

StepRotate (Upd)
• StepRotate Pie Menu :  Added loc, scl, (& both) 'clear'.  IMAGE
• Added StepRotate 90/-90 buttons (for shortcut assignment, e.g: modifiers+mouse wheel)

Context Delete (Fix)
• Smart-Delete Mode Fix: Dissolve invalid geo (e.g. line edges) will now delete

FitPrim (Upd/Fix)
• When selecting all geo in the default cube now warns, not error msg (invalid selection)
• Void Clone: Non-mesh obj support (Just a alt. duplication method)

Context Select (Upd/New)
• Collection Select Option: Selects all other objects in the selected object's collection

Context Connect (Fix)
• Fixed knife-only bug with multiple objects selected

Snapping Combos (Upd)
• Snapping Combos: Naming menu & Snapping Menu:
  Added reference slot numbers & the color icons for clarity

Misc Panel Updates
• Removed "Save prefs" reminders in pop-over info, no longer needed

keKIT : Modes Module (Upd) 
• This module is now only available as a separate Add-on HERE


Installation (Fix)
• Fixed activate issue for add-on for fresh installs


Unrotator (Upd)
• Added grid placement functionality (Object & Edit Mode)
  - When pointing over nothing, selection will be placed on the grid
  - Placement options: VIDEO

Align Origin To Selected (Upd)
• Added Invert z-axis Toggle. Default on. (Easier new bottom orientation)

Itemize (upd)
• keKit panel entry restored. Why not.


Copy+ (Fix)
• (Cut+) Automatically makes sure object is actually selected (not context only)
• Undo improvement.

Extract&Edit (upd)
• Itemize has been integrated with E&E, as a toggle.
  - No difference to E&E other than that there can be transforms now
  - Copy variant deprecated. (Dupe before E&E, save a shortcut)

Itemize (upd)
• Deprecated. (Operator still available, until the next update)


Copy+ (Upd, New)
• Complete rewrite.
  - Both Edit & Object Mode now share the same buffer for more flexibility.
• Buffer is stored until a new Copy+ or Cut+ operation.
  - Paste+ unlimited times in Edit & Object mode.
• Paste+ Mouse Point Option added (replacing old "Merge" option)
  - (Object Mode) ON:Paste+ Object(s) placed at mouse pointer. OFF:Original location

Context Delete (Upd)
• Context Delete now has the following optional modes:
  - Smart Dissolve (S): Dissolves Verts & Edges, Deletes faces.
  - Hierarchy Delete (H): (Object Mode) Deletes child-objects too.
  - Use Cut+ Buffer (+): Deleted object(s) (or FACES in Edit Mode)
     are stored in the Cut+ buffer - can be used by Paste+

Misc Modeling Pie Menu (Upd)
• Added Shear Tool

TT-Tools (Fix)
• VP & TT tools (parented objects) non-global orientation selection issue fixed.

Context Delete (Fix)
• Hierarchy-delete mode list error fixed


FitPrim (Upd/NEW)Void Size Clone
  - FitPrim (Object Mode): Mouse over nothing and with object(s) selected,
     the selection bounding box (total) is used for the new unit primitive's size.
     (Nothing selected: FitPrim default size as before. Edit Mode support TBD)

Context Extude (Upd.)
• Edge Mode: Reverted Edge Extrude+ back to vanilla until EE+ Modal is finished (No ETA)


Misc Modeling Pie Menu (NEW)
• A custom pie menu with "misc" modeling scripts (& vanilla blender tools),
  that I don't use often & are not mouse/view dependent.
  (Not often enough for shortcuts, or I keep forgetting them. +Some I do use, but you might not)

Context Extude (Upd.)
• Edge Mode: Replaced vanilla Edge Extrude with Edge Extrude+

Frame All or Selected (Upd)
• Replaced som uses of vanilla Blender's "Frame All" with custom code:
  - Edit mode: Now only frames the mesh. (Vanilla frames *all objects*, even in Edit Mode)
  - UV Editor: Now frames all the UVs, (Vanilla just frames the 0-1 space)

Add-On prefs (Fix)
• Doc URL fixed


Experimental Mode (NEW)
• A keKit Add-on preferences toggle that will enable/disable experimental features
  (that work, but may have quirks/issues) - OFF by default.
• Currently only affects kekit certain interactive property controls in Menus.
• Experimental Mode Only:
  - Cursor Menu - A couple of properties
  - keShading Pie Menu - ENV z-axis rotation
  - StepRotate Pie Menu - ('standard') Rotation section
  - The entire SubD Pie Menu
  Issues: Rna-error spam in console when using 'Menu Search'.
  They all work just fine besides this issue. Solution still TBD.
  Tip: Enable "Developer Extras" (Prefs/Interface) to use 'Operator Search' ('Edit' Menu)
  (not available otherwise!) instead of 'Menu Search' - with no error messages.

Show Cutter Modifier (NEW)
• Set objects as active that use the selected 'cutter object' in a boolean modifier.
• Open, unfold and set modifier as active in properties panel for quick access.
• Run again to cycle through objects, if cutter is used in many different objects.
• In Modeling Panel. Also available in keKit SubD Pie Menu.

Step Rotate (Upd)
• Now also supports Local, Cursor & View Orientation,
  the rest will use Global (regardless of your current Orientation type).
• Edit Mode Tip: You can set Pivot to Active etc. and Step Rotate will use it (when possible).

Solo Cutter (Fix)
• Now limited to one "solo" operation at a time, to avoid visibility issues & confusion.
  (No 'soloing' something else while already 'soloing'!)
• Fixed multi-modifier issue where empty-object "name tag" would not be cleaned up

keKit Panel Web Link (Fix)
• Now using the correct URL.


Quick Measure (FIX)
• Edit Mode: Variable error fixed!


Import Add-On prefs (Update)
• Import will now launch a filebrowser, so you can choose which kekit-prefs.json file to import.


• Import Add-On prefs ENUM error (FIX)
  ENUM's would not be assigned upon prefs import, now fixed.
  Affected: The Orientation & Pivot settings for OPC combos, SubD Preserve boundary enum, Cursor Menu placement.


• Import / Export Prefs UI Auto Refresh added (minor FIX)
  keKit UI panels would not auto-update (required various degrees of manual interaction, even a new scene)


ADD-ON PREFERENCES (NEW)All new prefs system:
   Now using standard Add-on prefs model. No longer 'scene-based', the reason for long lost.
• Auto-save - You no longer have to remember to save keKit prefs. (Uses add-on prefs)
• Auto-export - Prefs are exported to JSON-file automatically when you close blender.
• Prefs can also be manually exported and imported (for new installs etc.).
   Note: Location is fixed at the blender user config folder (as before).
• Previous version-prefs can be imported:
   Just change the filename (ke_prefs.json --> kekit_prefs.json) and import in add-on prefs.
• Version checking has been removed.
   A browser launcher (url icon) remains in the panel header as quick access for manual checking.

Context Connect (Update)
• Knife mode removed for 2 linked verts (Just subdivides the "edge" now.)

Quick Measure (FIX)
• Freeze mode fixed. (Refresher) VIDEO

Context Delete (FIX)
• Full hierarchy mode now includes hidden children

Get&Set Material (FIX)
• Now ignores WIRE/BOUNDS-display mode target objects
• Object Mode: Now works on "screw modifier mesh"
  (Mesh that doesn't have *real* faces, only verts & edges (lines))

keKit Modal Status Bar (FIX)
• Unicode symbols (dot + square) were missing on some fonts (changed to most common types)

Extrude Edges+ (FIX)
• Removed some console spam text print


Extrude Edges+ (NEW)
• Edge Offset VN Re-labeled (same operator), with a lot of new modes added:
  · Vertex Normals - Use each vertex own normal
  · Face Average - Use average normal of edge-linked faces
  · Orthogonal - Use the orthogonal of the Face Normal. Use for border edges etc.
  · 2D - Guess a general 'Up' from edge selection and extrude the edge crossproduct (the 'Up' axis being flattened)
     (Will use face average as a fallback for a straight line selection)
  · Active Edge - Use Active Edge normal for all edges
  · Cursor - Use Cursor Z-Axis direction as extrude normal for all edges
Quick overview video (not a produced tutorial) :

Reload Prefs (NEW)
• Added new button (in keKit panel, next to save kekit prefs button)
 that lets you overwrite current Scene prefs with values from saved keKit prefs File.
 (for imported scenes with different/old/invalid keKit prefs)

Select Objects by Vert Selection (NEW)
• In Multi-Object Edit Mode: Selects only objects that have vertices selected, and set object mode.
 Found in Selections module panel.

SubD Toggle (Upd/Fix)
• Auto Smooth now works separately from "Flat Shade when off" for a more logical system:
 - You want to toggle Auto Smooth with subd toggle? click that checkbox.
 - You want Flat shade when off? click that checkbox.

SubD Pie Menu (Upd)
• Added Auto-Smooth preset values. Hardcoded somewhat common values for now. Custom option TBD.

Cursor Fit & Align, Align Origin to Sel etc. (Upd/Fix)
• Fixed "rounding errors" on a lot of Cursor related align tools
 (where you'd get rotation values like 0.00023 instead of 0 in XYZ Euler)
 JFYI: While keKit tools are now "fixed",
 this will still occur with the built in blender Cursor placement tool:
 (Closed) Bug report.
 Not considered a "bug" (not much of a suprise) and it will most likey never be "fixed"


Unrotator (Upd/Fix)
• Added "Randomize Z rotation duplicate" option
• Changed "Center on Face" Modal Shortcut to SHIFT-LMB (from ESC) as seen the video above
• Added Modal Shortcut info in the status bar (also seen in the video above)
• (Object Mode) Fixed so you can place duplicates on the source object as well

Nice Project (Upd)
• Added "Use All Edges" option in Edit & Object Mode, which will treat all edges as boundary edges
• Object Mode cutters with no boundary edges will automatically switch to "Use All Edges" mode, as seen in the video above.

Offset Edges VN (NEW)
• Extrudes (or offsets/duplicates) selected edges along the vertex normals, exactly. That is all.

Cursor Ortho Snap (NEW)
• Snap-Aligns the Cursor Z-axis to the nearest world (ortho) axis, relative to the viewport camera.
Found in the Cursor Menu:

Extra Outliner Buttons (NEW)
• Added (Add-on Preferences) option to show extra buttons
(because sometimes I prefer buttons to shortcuts or nested RMB context menus)
  · Show Active
  · Show One Level
  · Hide One Level
  · Found in the Outliner header: VIDEO
  · Note: Not enabled by default.

Context Connect (Upd)
• Changed "Knife Mode" vertex mode activation conditions:
  · No verts selected (as before)
  · 1 vert selected
  · 2 already connected verts selected (an "edge" in vert mode)

ke Overlay Pie-Menu (Upd)
• Added Edge Lengths display option

Orientation & Pivot Combos (Upd)
• Added missing info-icon tool tip for OPC in the bookmarks panel


Mouse Mirror / Flip (Fix)
• Restored Local Orientation behaviour
• Fixed deprecated api argument errors


Ground Or Center (Upd)
• Added option to group items (treat as single obj)

ZeroScale (Fix)
• Restored ZeroScale To Cursor behaviour
• Fixed deprecated api argument errors


Cursor Menu (Upd)
• Added Cursor Bookmarks to Cursor Menu for easy access

Context Select (Upd)
• Added option toggle for vertex mode border select / connected select behaviour

FitPrim (Fix)
• Fixed (rare) Not linked to scene collection assignment error


BridgeOrFill (Fix)
• Fixed corner fill - now makes triangle face in corner (border) edge selection

SubDPie Mirror Ops (Fix)
• Mirror object can now be set for multiple mirror modifiers

ContextConnect (Fix)
• Face split direction fixed (splits single face depending on mouse position)

TripleSpin (Fix)
• Error message fix: Simple notification if invalid edges are selected

FitPrim Pie Menus (Fix)
• UI scale floating point conversion issue fixed. May have affected placements.


TT - VP Tools (Fix)
• Fixed local mode axis error

keKit Cursor Menu (Upd)
• Added Reset Cursor (at bottom, just to be complete (resets both loc & rot)


Unbevel v3 (New, Upd)
• Added face selection mode : Select unconnected "bevel face loops" to unbevel.
• Added Auto Ring Select toggle in redo panel as well
• Edge mode & Rebevel options (in redo panel) still available
• Fixed bugs

SubD Pie Menu (New, Upd)
• Added Vertex Groups quick managment access in the pie menu
• Added Vertex Groups bevel modifier preset.
    (Not very useful yet, waiting for "attribute group" support -> edge groups, useful for bevels)
• Also added auto sorting for Normal Weighting modifier (always placed last, when using SubD Pie operators)
• Added "Symmetry" (bisect) Mirror Modifier presets.

FitPrim (Fix)
• Box mode now creates UV maps (stacked & centered, in relative size)

Cursor Fit & Align (Fix?)
• When used on models with non-applied scale, the results will probably be wrong. Just added a warning for now.


keKit Cursor Menu (New)
• Manipulate the Cursor rotation from a custom 3D-Cursor Menu in the vieport header:
• Unfortunately there is no (reliable) method of inserting it directly before the Orientations menu,
    where it really belongs.
• Align To View
• Local Cursor Axis Step/Snap Rotation via preset step or custom step value
• Align towards an object selected in menu
• Match rotation of the object
• Direct access to Cursor Location & Rotation
    Dupe of View/3D Cursor menu, for ease of access in one place + clear buttons
• Snap To items (as in the pie menu)

SubD Tools (Upd)
• AutoSmooth Option added (relevant when using SubD Toggle):
  ON:Autosmooth is turned off by toggle when subd is on - and vice versa
  OFF:Autosmooth is not changed by toggle

Cursor Fit & Align (Fix/Upd)
• Wrong transform (location, rotation) when used on parented objects fixed
• New Mode:
  3+ selected objects uses active (or last in selection sorted by name if no active) for rotation,
with averaged location as before.


Cursor Rotation (NEW):
Manipulate the Cursor rotation (in the redo-panel) in various ways (KeKit Selection Module Panel):
• Local Axis Step/Snap Rotation via preset steps (or custom step value)
• Align To View
• Align towards an object selected in menu (oddly enough enum only works reliably in Edit Mode...)
• Match rotation of the object
• Direct access to Cursor Rotation (dupe of View/3D Cursor menu, for ease of acces in one place)
Future: Might just migrate all this to that menu instead of an operator. TBD.

Prefs: TT Tools Viewport Icons (Upd):
• Placement is now user choice (in add-on prefs):
Toolbar Left, Center (Right of Toolbar Menus) or Right. Or not at all.

Context Select (Upd):
• Added Hierarchy select in Object Mode (either full hierarchy or children only via option toggle)
• Also works with Context Select Extend & Contract.

KeMaterials Pie Menu (Fix):
• Error caused by Material Utils when no preview icon is found.
  Creating new materials will now make sure the properties material tab is open for it to auto-generate.

FitPrim (Fix):
• Make prim in space (ground plane not hit) bug fixed


Linear Array (Fix/Upd):
• Added Gpencil Object support
• Fixed Context Mode Poll error msg

Cursor Fit & Align (Upd):
• Added Gpencil & Curve Edit Mode support

Context Tools - Extrude/Dissolve/Delete (Upd):
• Added Gpencil & Curve Edit Mode support. Note: Shortcuts for these modes must be assigned manually (*not* RMB assign)

Align View To Cursor (Fix):
• No longer requires Cursor Fit & Align to work reliably: Will always align view to cursor Z-axis.


FitPrim (Fix):
Added Context object poll (object now required to at least be in context)
Pie Menu Invoke-Event bug fix/workaround. Rare bug (?) that makes the op loose the ability to read invoke-event data >
in these cases an average object location will be used for mouse position. Might be platform specific (Linux).
If it does not occur for you, everything will work as before.


Nice Project 1.1 (Upd)
Changed object mode behaviour: Active Object is now cutter & all other (visible) mesh objects are potential targets.
(tip: use "hide unselected" or similar,  to ignore irrelevant objects in complex scenes)

Known issue: FitPrim Pie Menu objects offset no longer works reliably.
I have disabled the offset, so it is less dramatic ( but still wrong). Will revisit at some point.
Cleaned up more redundant files (kit is smaller in kb. yay.)


Nice Project (NEW)
Knife Project, but nice.
• Edit mode: Element selection as cutter
• Object mode: 2 objects selected, cutter object last.
• Knife Project mode: Edit mode + object mode selection in outliner as cutter, also included. For some reason.

Direct Loop Cut (Fix)
Auto-pick error when not in edge mode with no selection fixed

TT / Mouse Move (Fix, Upd)
Normal Orientation in Edit Mode now works (again?) whoops.
Now automatically switches to Local O. from Normal O. if you are in Object mode instead of throwing error msg.

TT / VP Move (Fix.ish.)
Now uses Local Orientation if you are in Normal Orientation, even in Edit Mode, for now.


Focus Mode / Super Focus Mode (Fix)
Auto-complete over-helpful bug. Now works again in v2.

Zero Local (Fix)
Also ignores (does not store) Location if all zero now.


Zero Local (NEW)
Temporarily stores & zeroes Loc+Rot & sets Local Mode. Run ZeroLocal again to exit Local Mode & restore rotation
Variant: Zero Local R: Rotation only

Unhide or Local (Upd)
Moved to Main Module
Made compatible with Zero Local

FitPrim Add Menu (Upd)
Object Mode Mesh Menu pre-expanded for quicker access.

Quick Measure (Upd, Fix)
Object Mode Speed Improvement, by 10-6,000% (actually usable on heavy objects now ;)
Vertex mode "Clear" selection feature fixed (now works again, using 'C' key)
"Space Click" to clear line removed, does not actually clear (for now)

Get & Set Edit Mode (Fix)
No context object error fixed

Get & Set Material (Fix)
No selected object error fix

ID Materials (Fix)
Due to some recent blender change was incompatible with Material Utils (used in keKit pie menu). Fixed.


Align View (Selected) - Fixed toggle property bug (ke_vtoggle missing)


Fixed version update overlap & formatting issues in main panel header


Orientation & Pivot Combos is now included in the Bookmarks Module (and not a separate panel / module)
Fixed Add-On preferences ui alignment issues
Removed more old (unused) files

2 -> 2.002

Main Kit Changes:

Entire kit rewritten
• But not the operators -> Same shortcuts! (except Select Invert, see below)
• The kit is now modular
• Enable/Disable which ever module you need (in addon-prefs)!
• keKit Prefs location path changed to ‘Config’ (where your userprefs file is)
When upgrading from 1.48, it will look in the old scripts dir to auto-update:
The old settings will be loaded and a new file will be saved in Config, and the old one will not be used anymore)
• Keymap Export/Import has been removed (Indefinitely)
• Added some Custom Icons! (In pie-menus: Orient & Pivot Combos, Snapping Combos, View & Cursor Bookmarks. See below.)

New Unbevel
• You only need to select the edges on the actual bevel now. Now also has Rebevel in redo panel.
Auto-ring option will run Edge Ring Selection for you before unbevel.
Local by Distance
• Include/Exclude objects in local mode from selection by distance.

New Clean-up Tools
• Near total rewrite
• Select Only mode added
• Find Tiny-edges. Set minimum edge length value. (Select only, even in clean (dissolve & delete) mode.

Ground or center
• Ignore selection collision option added (selected objects will not collide with each other)

Select invert
• Added Object Mode feature: Will now invert-select in object mode. Note: Operator change (now ‘view3d’)

d OPC & Snapping Pie Menus
• 2 additional opc combo slots (6 Slots)
• 2 additional snap combo slots (6 Slots)

Snapping combos Auto-OnOption
• Added auto-on snapping mode option. toggle in panel or pie menu.

FitPrim bug fix
• cylinder segment drops to 3 bug fixed


Mouse Axis Move (fix)
• Sculpt Mode Crash Fix. Will now momentarily switch to object mode (quick flash)
to avoid (likely blender bug) crash. All modes (move, rot, scl)
• d keKIT hotkey list
• Made the export list more up 2 date.
  NOTE: Final release before keKit 2.0
 - prefs should(tm) be backwards compatible.
 - there might be a 2.0 beta for testing in BA forums soonish


Merge Near Selected (NEW)
• Merges other verts near selected verts to them (in any element mode!)
at set link-depth and distance (tweak in redo-panel)

Direct Insert Vertex (NEW)
• Vert-only variant of Direct Loop Cut: Inserts a vert on an edge under the mouse pointer.
No selection needed. Alt. using the same "Selection Only" Toggle as Direct Loop Cut; using selected edge only.

Mouse Side of Active (Upd)
• Added "Extend" toggle in redo-panel for selection extend behaviour.

Version Check Toggle (NEW, Add-on Prefs)
• Added a toggle to disable version-checking at startup; if you have no internet, angry firewall etc,
it might be useful.
• When disabled the update-icon in the keKit panel will show a small 'x' icon,
as a distinct state from the default up-to-date "nothing" or the new-version number.

Select By Display Type (Upd)
• Added "Active Collection Only" toggle


Select Invert Linked (Upd/New)
• New feature: When using on geo that is already fully link-selected,
the default Invert Selected will instead be used, on the mesh as a whole.

ZeroScale (FIX)
• Fixed Edge Mode selection scaling (was probably broken for quite some time...)


Merge To Mouse (Upd/New)
• New Edge Mode, will merge to edge nearest mouse pointer (and connected to it, for multiple rows)

Merge To Active (NEW)
Similar to Merge To Mouse, but using Active Element instead of Mouse.
• Vert Mode will use "Merge To Last" if an Active Vertex is found, otherwise "Merge Collapse".
• Face mode is always Collapse.
• Edge mode will work as Merge To Mouse, but using the Active Edge (and connected) instead of the Mouse.


Modal Status Bar Info Added (Upd.)
Added Modal hotkey info for all modal tools ( QuickMeasure, Linear Array, Radial Array & FitPrim )
The old help display is still available, the new status bar info will probably suffice in most cases.
No icons (not happening), only Unicode symbols (Square for keys, Circles for mouse buttons)


Select by Display Type (Fix)
Trying to select hidden objects error fix (will not select hidden objects)


Select by Display Type (NEW)
Select objects in scene by viewport display type
Use in sub-panel in keKit Select & Align Panel.

Show In Outliner (upd/fix)
Will no longer set active collection (use Set Active Collection separately)


Show In Outliner (NEW)
Locate the selected object(s) in the outliner (& set parent Collection as Active)
Note: Operator is appended to Object Context Menu (intended use location)
but also available in Select & Align menu.

Set Active Collection (NEW)
Set selected object's parent collection as Active
Note: Operator is appended to Object Context Menu (intended use location)
but also available in Select & Align menu.

Mouse Axis Move & VP (Fix)
Will now set context object as active to avoid selection issues in Edit Mode


Scale From Face (NEW)
Select 1 Face per Object in Multi-Edit mode & run SFF to scale selected object(s) by the size(area)
difference factor of selected faces to last selected face.
Scale will be auto-applied (Note: Does not check for negative scale, flipping normals.)

Match Active Bounding Box (Fix)
Fixed Unit Axis Scaling (Forgot to include a bit of code, whoops ;>)

UI Cleanup
Scale From Face & Match Active Bounding Box are now in the keKit Modeling Panel,
with the rest of the scaling tools.(MABB was moved from Select & Align)


Match Active Bounding Box (NEW)
Scales selected object(s) to last selected object's bounding box (along axis chosen in redo)
Place & Rotate origin(s) beforehand for scaling operation to behave as expected - if needed.
Scale will be auto-applied (Note: Does not check for negative scale, flipping normals.)
Find under "Align Object(s) To" in Select & Align panel.

Align Origin To Selected (Fix)
Fixed object mode 2 objects selected bug


MultiCut (New/Upd)
Added face mode support - Now slices along face selections (no turns), each selection island.
Single face selection(s) will use mouse position for direction

Context Connect (Upd)
Now makes triangulated corner faces quads

Orient & Pivot Combos (Fix)
Edit-Mode settings now work in *all* Non-Object modes

MayaConnect (Removed)
Functionality was already transfered to Context Connect - this just removes the old operator left-overs.
You may need to manually remove up old MayaConnect shortcuts, if still used, to avoid errors


Get & Set Edit Mesh (Fix)
Fixed object toggle issue


Select Flipped Normal Faces (Upd)
Merged averaging method (update 1.467) into one script. Pick method in Redo Panel.
"Average" Method works better for (flat) disconnected meshes.
"Connected" (the old default) works better in most other cases.
In keKIT 'Cleaning Tools' panel.


Select Flipped Normal Faces (NEW)
Selects flipped normal faces (= 'red' faces in 'face orientation' overlay) & does not change any normals.
In keKIT 'Cleaning Tools' panel.

Add-On Prefs: Extra Modal UI Scaling Value (NEW)
An additional scale value that gets multiplied to the general Blender UI Scale
for fine-tuning of text scaling for keKIT modal ops. (Arrays, QM, fitprim)

Overlay Pie Menu (Upd)
Added Object Display Options (except object color) & reworked layout

Shading Pie Menu (Upd)
Added Object Color, when in Sold shading & Object Color mode, like this.

TT-Dupe / Mouse-Axis dupe / VP-dupe Curve Support (Upd)
Added support for Curve duplication (Edit & Object Modes)

Linear Array (Fix)
Added missing help-text about numerical input option (A). Note: Gotta go fast

Align Origin to Selection (Fix)
Fixed minor cursor orientation issue
d Mouse-over text to properly explain Object mode behaviour

BBox (Fix)
Fixed error message when nothing is selected in edit mode

Direct Select Switching Ops (Upd)
Moved entire row to collapsed sub-panel, as these are mostly "legacy" by now
(default 1,2,3,4 switching hotkeys are present since 3.0)

Context Connect (Fix)
Fixed single edge cuts (in redo panel )

Bridge or Fill (Fix)
Improved gap-handling; Will now fill uneven edge count holes
Info will be printed in console window


Context Connect (Upd, NEW)
Added redo-panel input for nr. of cuts, evenly spaced. For edge bevel-type spacing,
leave at 1 cut & just use Edge Bevel (or Context Bevel).
Added Square Corners (toggle in redo-panel) for face-mode selections.


Get&Set Material (Fix)
Fixed error when assigning material


HUD Scaling Support (NEW)
keKit modal operators with GUI will now scale using the UI scale value in Blender Preferences to better support 4K+
Implemented for FitPrim, Linear & Radial Array

Context Connect (NEW, upd)
The operator formerly known as "Maya Connect".
NOTE: The old operator is not removed (yet) but now just a notice to change your shortcut!.
Add No Selection = Knife Tool mode

TT Dupe - Forced Variants (NEW, Upd)
Two new enums for TT Tools:  Forced Dupe & Forced Linked Dupe.  These will override the toggle value.
Available as two icon buttons in Context Tools/TT Tools (next to the Toggle button) intended for shortcut use

TT Modes (Fix)
You should now be able to directly assign shortcuts to each mode (again?) (with their inaccurately named enums)

Merge To Mouse (Fix)
Will now merge more than two edges (and somewhat improved triangulation handling)


Frame All or Selected
(FINAL) Now works in any division of workspaces, including quad view, even in side-panel regions.


keKit Addon-prefs Keymap Export (Fix)
Fixed export (3.0?) error
Added Solo Cutter operators to export

Multi Cut (Fix)
Fixed panel (non-% mode) crash bug

Frame All or Selected
Quad View functionality restored (minus error message in side panel regions,
does nothing instead (just in quadview). for now.)

SubD Pie Menu
Compacted top menu
Added Solo Cutter ops to top menu


Solo Cutter (NEW)
Solo's (hides all other modifiers) the boolean modifier that the selected "cutter" uses.
("Cutter" term is used for an object used in any boolean operation)
Variant Solo Pre-Cutter : Only hides modifiers after the boolean.

Overlays Pie Menu (Upd/New)
Added toggles for (Ortho) Grid, Floor and Both.

Misc bug fixes (Fix)
Frame All or Selected : Context Error fixed

Mouse Mirror : Nonetype error fixed
Get & Set Material : No material (Default shading) name error fixed
Get & Set Edit Mode : Element Pick option fixed


Get & Set Edit Mode (Upd)
Now uses the new Blender 3.0 Transfer Mode when in Sculpt Mode (to remain in sculpt mode).
Other modes remain the same: Go (from either Object or Edit Mode) to object under mouse & set Edit Mode.


TT Tools  (Fix/Upd)
Added support for Proportional Editing

TT Tools / MouseAxisMove (Upd)
Added support for UV/Image & Node editors.
You can now (manually) assign TT or MouseAxis operator (+enum property) shortcuts.
Note: VPTransform modes will use MouseAxis modes (as there is only one 'viewplane' in 2D)


TT Tools / MouseAxis (Fix)
Grease Pencil objects error fixed

TT Tools / VP Transform (Fix)
Using MMB to change locked axis (in orientations other than Global) now works as expected

Frame All or Selected (Fix)
Fixed error when used on empty node editor

Quick Measure (Fix)
d to comply with OpenGL changes coming in 3.0
Minor speed optimization

Direct Mode Switching ()
Added specific mouse-over info for each mode (vert, edge, face, object)


keKit Keymap Export / Import (New!)
New Add-on prefs feature that exports keKit shortcuts,
which will make sure the properties are correctly set when imported.

A text field will display the location where the prefs files are located.
All keKit shortcuts in use will also be listed in add-on prefs.
Import will disable (not remove) conflicting shortcuts (*same category only*)
and report on all changes (system console window)

Note: Some categories will override others. (Screen vs View3d vs Object etc.)
keKit Import will not cross-check all those combinations.

Tip: Some shortcuts may use the "ANY" modifier option on by default.
You may want to be aware of this for new installations.

Direct Mode Selection (Fix)
Now works in Sculpt mode too.
Extra: Added Object-Modes Pie Menu as fifth icon in keKit panel for optional shortcut mapping.

TT Mode Toggle Icons (Upd)
Added mouse over description for hide option.
Added Hide option in Add-on prefs. Old location also remain (keKit / Context Tools / TT Mode).


ViewPlane TT Tools (Fix)
Fixed (more like actually finished) Viewplane behaviour for non-global transform modes: Local, View etc.
Both for TT tools and stand-alone VPGrab/Rotate/Scale.

Cursor Fit & Align (Fix)
Fixed* object mode alignment when modifiers are used. (*Workaround for raycasting issues)


StepRotate (Fix)
Rotation was reversed in Blender v2.93 and above, fixed

ID Materials (Upd)
Added automatic Alpha Blend (& no shadows) setting when using transparent materials -
for not-baking use cases (retopo etc.)


Merge To Mouse (Fix)
Fixed vertex mode bug where it would only merge to active
Fixed edge mode bad selection errors - now exits clean with info text
Description added FYI: In Quad view; vanilla "Merge to Last" is used instead.


Direct Mode Selection (Upd)
Added support for all remaining object types and edit modes.
Objects with component modes other than mesh (just Gpencil
+ Armature Pose mode as an extra) will use vert,edge & face modes too.

Frame All or Selected (Upd)
Added support for all remaining object types and edit modes.

SubTools Pie Menu (Upd)
Added outer mitering buttons for bevel modifiers

Mouse Mirror (Fix fix)
Actually including the fixed code now

Mouse Side of Active (Fix)
Poll error message fixed


Maya Connect (Fix)
Single Edge Selection operation now switches to vertex mode (so you can see the result).
Also applies to multi-object edit mode.

Fit-Prim Add Pie Menu (NEW)
Added the "Add" menu in a new fit prim pie menu variant.
FitPrims on the left, "Add" on the right


Mouse Side of Active (NEW)
Like "Side of Active", but with active element + mouse position:
vert, edge or face in relation to  mouse position to calculate which side of the active element to select

Select Boundary+ ()
Added inner region toggle functionality: When you have a boundary selected,
you can run again to toggle between region & boundary)

FitPrim ()
Added numerical input for cylinder modal mode. (No need to activate numerical mode,
just type the segment count)

Mouse Mirror (Fix)
Cursor mode orientation bug fixed


Mouse Mirror (Fix/Upd)
Fixed duplication error in Cursor Orientation
Added Linked Duplicate checkbox in Redo Panel (for Object mode mirroring)


Korean / Flat Bevels Toggle (NEW)
Added global toggle (in keKit Context panel or keKit Subd pie menu)
to use this as default for Context Bevel + the bevel modifiers in the SubD pie menu.

SubD Tools Pie Menu (Upd)
Added Weighted Normals modifier (with auto-auto-smooth)
Will take Korean bevel toggle into account when creating new bevel modifiers
Bevels now have profile slider
Bevels now have clamp toggle

Maya Connect (Upd)
Will now not switch to Edge mode from Vertex mode, to match default Blender connect behaviour.
Note: Face mode will still switch to edge mode.

Loop Cut & Slide (Fix)
Fixed bug when getting nearest edge in face selection mode

Quick Measure (Fix)
Will now only allow one instance of QM to run
Misc rounding tweaks


Quick Scale (Upd / Fix)
Reworked entire script, as it was mostly half-finisihed anyways.
Now has useful undo-mode & multi object selection modes (scaling each separate, or as a combined bbox),
besides the old unit-size scaling option.
Fixed Object transform issues


Maya Connect (Upd.)
Changed face mode behaviour: Now splits along selection (single face uses mouse pos for direction).
See video. Added selection of resulting edge(s) (all modes)

UI updates (keKit Panels)
Removed deprecated entry in context tools (all view snap tools are already in Select & Align)
Moved Frame All or Selected to Select & Align panel - and cleaned it up a bit.


Lock, Lock Unselected, Unlock (NEW)
Hotkey locking (Same as "Disable Selection" in the Outliner).
Unlock (Selection Enable) applies to all locked objects.

Unhide or Local Off (NEW)
Unhide hidden objects, or set Local Mode off - if currently in Local mode.
(Find in Select & Align keKit Panel)

BBox / Convex Hull (Upd)
Now supports Instance Collections
Added "Reference Style Shading" as another viewport shading option. (Wire & not render)
Optimized bbox mode. Should be faster for heavy objects. (Convex hull may still be slow.)


TT / Mouse Axis Move (Upd/Fix)
Edit Mode Normal Transform Orientation now works! (Always Z axis)
Added Toggle for Mouse Axis Scale -
Uncheck for default (unlocked) Scale behaviour for TT Scale MouseAxis.
I prefer to start scale unlocked and MMB lock if needed, but use mouse axis for move + rotate.

FitPrim (Fix)
Fixed 2-Vert Mode vector error


Selected To Origin (NEW)
As "Geometry to Origin" but also works in Edit Mode for element selection.
Will work with multiple selected objects (In Edit Mode too); Each object will use its own origin.
Find In keSnapAlign pie-menu or Select & Align keKit panel.
Object Mode uses "Set Origin" - so all the other modes are available in the redo panel :
Origin to Geo, Origin to Cursor, Origin to Center Mass (Surface & Volume)


Get & Set Edit Mode (Fix)
Fixed error msg when there's no selected object in scene

Render Visible / Render Slot Cycle (Fix)
Fixed error msg when there is no camera in the scene

Box/Convex Hull Collision Mesh (Upd/Fix)
Fixed naming and placement issues.
Now has a useful redo panel (esp. for multiple selected objects in object mode)


Unrotator (Fix)
Duplicating in Edit Mode when using AutoMerge now works.
(AM is temporarily disabled during Unrotator operation)


Clear Cursor Rotation (New)
Clears the cursor's rotation (only). Available in the Select & Align keKit panel & in the keSnapAlign pie menu.

UI update
Cleaned up the Select & Align keKit panel a bit.


Frame All Or Selected (Upd)
Added support for Lattice points in Edit Mode.
Added support for UV Editor.
Restored smoother camera movement


Frame All Or Selected (Upd)
Added "Geo Only" Toggle (in the panel) for Frame All (nothing selected) which will ignore non-geo objects
(Lights, Cameras etc).
Changed framing behaviour to Blender default = Do not use object center for framing (only the geo).

Toggle Flat/Smooth Shading (Upd)
Tri : Now removes the tri-modifier in smooth shaded mode.
Auto-Smooth will not be handled by the toggle.

Cleaning Tools - Select by Edge Count (Fix)
Added info prompt telling you an object must be selected (instead of just an error.)

API Change Fix for " Edit Mesh" (Fix)
(A lot of scripts in the kit) Should work in 3.0.  Note: Just this one thing.
I am not checking for all 3.0 changes yet.


Get & Set Edit Mode (Upd)
Added support for non-mesh objects (curves with geo, patches etc. objects with an edit mode.)

Get & Set Material (Upd)
Added support for non-mesh objects (curves with geo, patches etc. objects with an edit mode.)

Frame All Or Selected (Upd)
Added support for node, graph & dopesheet windows.

TT / Mouse Axis Move (Fix)
Edit Mode precision fix (now using selection avg. for vector calc)

ID Materials (Fix)
Added support for non-mesh objects

Ground or Center (Fix)
Added support for non-mesh objects (based on center only)

Unrotator (Upd)
Added "Face Center" override in Redo panel (session duration, only sets True value)


Unrotator (Fix)
Placement of elements now use "median" placement (instead of active element)
Rotation Offset values now using correct value steps (and median)  note: still expects viewport unchanged
Duplication issues fixed
General Edit Mode opt: Using math instead of cursor & transform macro.


Mouse Axis Move / TT Move (Fix)
Multiple object selection bug (from 1.434) fixed

Unrotator (Fix)
Vert & Edge mode placement Z-flip issue fixed. Note: The active element is used for loc/rot,
including the redo rotation offset. A "median" solution is TBD.
Vert & Edge mode dupe will now keep original selection for easier additional duping. (not needed for faces)
Added Invert Z button in redo panel (for any weird edge cases I might have missed)


Direct Loop Cut (Upd/Fix)
Added "Selection Only" toggle - Will not auto select, using only selected elements
(face limit will still work with nearest edge to mouse. Center cut will not)
Limited face selection with mouse over edge on ngon border fixed.
Tip: A second cut (or more) do not need a face selection if 2 ngons on the ends cap the loop

TT Dupe (Fix)
Duplicating with no active object/non-mesh issues fixed

Context Delete (Fix)
Deleting with no active object issue fixed

Shading Mode Toggle (Upd)
Added Triangulate toggle for the hard/smooth shading toggle:
adds a triangulate modifier for extra precise shading reference.


TT Tools (Fix)
Added tool tip description for linked icon in the view3d header
Fixed double registration of the the header icons (to avoid header compatibility issues).


Quick Measure (Fix)
Fixed unit conversion issues (Converts to nearest unit similar to using scene length units "Adaptive")
Units should now also work if you have set it to "Adaptive" (both Metric & Imperial)
Minor optimizations & some UI tweaks

TT Duplicate (Fix)
Fixed bug in "Default Mode" toggle (the first one) where it would only duplicate and not launch Move tool


Quick Measure (Upd)
Added Area Viewplane cycling: You can now cycle between calculating XY, XZ or YZ area in BBox modes with 'A'.
Added "nearest" unit conversions, and cleaner presentation. (not just floats)
Added proper element selection mode switching to 1,2,3,4 .
They were just pass_through before, not everyone has this hotkeyed ;>
Added multi-step Vert Distance Mode, with a modal selection history.
Requires discrete clicks. Freezemode is limited to 2 selected verts.
VIDEO  Note: You dont need to shift-select the verts, and to "connect" a loop you must NOT use shift-select.
Clear Vert Selection 'History': Click in space or hit 'C' to clear.

Known issue: sometimes there is selection garbage from previous mode selections/sessions, just clear.

TT Duplicate Linked Toggle (Fix)
You can now assign the (Global) Duplicate Linked Toggle to a short-cut.


TT Duplicate + Linked (NEW/upd)
Added TT Dupe. ( TT description if you dont know/forgot)
Added a (Global) Duplicate Linked Toggle.
This will also toggle Duplicate Linked in Mouse Axis Dupe & VP Dupe. (Hence, "Global")
DL Toggle will also be displayed in the viewport header. Like this.
(Note: If you dont want to see the header, just click the "hide" toggle in TT Tools )

MultiCut (Upd/Fix)
Will now take "hidden" status into account - and not cut hidden faces.
Will now remove doubles if you set offset to zero or 50% in the redo adjustments
Fixed metric unit conversion issues


MultiCut (Upd/Fix)
Simplified behaviour - redo-panel adjustments no longer additive, to behave more as expected.
- Limited offset clamping so you cant set offset beyond 1-49%
(the other end is auto-calculated, so it caused issues if you did.
Upd: .429 - Fixed Even adjustment. Now actually toggles.

Cursor Fit & Align (Upd)
- Added Vector Align in Object Mode using 2 objects. To summarize Object Mode behaviours:
Pointing over ANY object will just align the cursor to the face under the mouse, regardless of selections.
1 Object selected and pointing mouse over NOTHING will align cursor to the selected objects location & rotation.
2+ Objects selected and pointing mouse over NOTHING will align the cursor rotation/location to the vector
(using Z) between two objects.
Note: there is no selection order - vector objects will be random.
Doesn't matter much with 2 objects, other than Z pointing to either object.


MultiCut (NEW)
Double-cut edge rings with optional middle cut. (Like Loop Cut combined with Offset Edge Slide for the ends)
User customizable presets (auto-named) to use in the panel, as hotkeys or in the MultiCut Pie Menu.
Overrides (for the session) in the redo panel.
You can also set fixed offset (in real measurements, like cm etc.)
Note: Saving presets with fixed offset NOT zero will be saved as a fixed offset preset
(Dont forget to save keKit prefs)

Version  Info (NEW)
Added a simple check for when a new version of keKit is available. Runs when you start Blender.
It will look like this.
Just click the update notice when it shows up to open a link to the release info & download page (here).

Snapping Combos (Upd)
- Added custom naming for the slots (in the keKit panel / Bookmarks)

QuickScale (Upd)
- Added "grounding" in Z for Edit Mode, so the mesh selection "doesn't move" when scaling.
might need to be optional, but fits my use 100% ;)
- Trimmed down UI space, now only takes one row in the modeling panel. (no sub menu)

Render Slot Cycle (Upd/Fix)
- Will now render to the first slot if all slots are empty and the active slot is set to something else.
(Blender saves the current active slot when you save, so that when you restart Blender,
all the temp-renders are gone, but you start rendering on the last used slot, instead of the first empty.)
This update fits better with the whole slot cycle thing.

Render Visible (Fix)
- Will now take lights and other non-meshes into account as well.

Linear Array (Fix)
- Annoying error message when run in incorrect context fixed.

Get & Set Edit Mode Element Pick (NEW)
(This was actually included in 1.426, but I forgot...)
- Optional checkbox that will also set which type of edit mode based on element under mouse in Edit Mode.

Add-on Prefs Misc (Compatibility Fix)
- Wiki-url will apparently be decprecated, so I had to change the link to my wiki using Doc-url instead.
Not sure if this will effect registering the kit, but hey.
(QuickMeasure will need compat. fix to use GPU drawing in the future as well, as it uses Bgl at the moment. TBD.)


Direct Loop Cut (Fix)
Fixed: (Flat or non-parallell) Circular loops getting wrong offset values, now works as intended.

Context Extrude (Fix)
Context Extrude TT-Mode now works in Vertex and Edge mode.


Unrotator (Upd)
Object Mode - Object placement behaviour has now been updated:
When placing an object on another surface, Unrotator will now use surface snapping in a modal, temporarily.
LMB click to finalize placement. Snapping settings will then be restored. RMB to cancel.
Bonus mode: If you hit 'Esc' - the object will instead snap to the center of the face (you first pointed to,
not where you move the object over. useful to know in advance if you want centered placements occasionally.)
Regardless if you have the 'Center on face' option checked or not, for flexibility.

This is now the default setting. But, "No snap" was default before, so upgraders need to check this option off
(& dont forget to save kekit prefs)

Get & Set Edit Mode (Fix)
- No active object (-no object selection at all, when you delete the context.object) error fixed
(will now select mouse over object)


Bookmarks Panel (NEW)
Cursor Bookmarks, View Bookmarks and Orientation & Pivot Combos are now in their own panel.
Cursor + View Bookmarks have been given distinct info popover icons with instructions.
(Snapping Combos too, despite/due to not being located there.)

Cycle View Bookmarks (NEW):
Cycles through stored view bookmarks. (in the new Bookmarks Panel, as seen in the image above)

Cursor & View Bookmarks Pie Menu (NEW)
These are now also available in a custom pie menu.

View Bookmarks (Fix/Upd):
- Ability to clear slot has been added: Use a stored view, dont move the view, store in the same slot = clear.
- When using a blank slot, it now does nothing, instead of zeroing the viewport..

Direct Loop Cut (Fix)
- Will now disregard additional selected edges on the same edge ring when using center cut in edge mode.

Fit Prim (Upd)
- New Objects will now be added to same collection as the selected object (context.object),
instead of whichever collection happens to be selected.
  Or, to selected collection, if there is no selected object.

Quick Measure (Fix)
- Fixed console error msg that could spam out when switching selections in some cases


Direct Loop Cut (Upd/Fix)
- Much improved precision for cut placement
- Fixed issue where it would not cut when starting on an edge of a non-quad face (it will not cut ngons/tris,
that will not change)
- Fixed issue with meshes with modifiers
- Fixed bmesh issue that could cause crashes
- Will now set edge mode (if you start in face or vert mode) for better edge selection handling afterwards.


Direct Loop Cut v2 (NEW / update)
Completely rewritten, with some changes to operation, and new features.
Note: It does not cut ngons/tris.
It also has working undo now. In the modeling kekit subpanel.
Insert Edge Loop (main functionality):
Insert an edge loop on an edge at the mouse pointer. No selection needed
(autoselects, except for center cuts, below;)
Center cuts & Multi Loop Cuts:
With edge(s) selected & with the mouse over nothing or another object, a center-cut will performed -
on all selected edges, for multi-loop cuts.
Limit Cuts:
Selected faces (on the edge ring) will limit the cut to those faces. Point the mouse over intended starting edge
(or near it in space for mid-cut).  Note: This works on "checker-selected" faces too.
Loose Edges:
Edge-Lines (no face geo) will also work: Mouse over a floater-edge to insert vert.
Mouse over nothing / another object to subdivide all the edges.
& Slide:
This variant (the other button in the panel) will run edge slide after the cut(s).
Note: This adds one undo step, unless RMB.
Tip: You can use 'E' to toggle Even-behaviour when in slide.
It's just slide, all snapping etc just like usual.

Fit 2 Grid (Upd)
- Now also works in object mode (Using origin for location)

Radial Array (Fix)
- Context error when using in wrong context fixed


Step-Rotate Pie Menu (Upd/Fix)
- Fixed some bad logic, now actually works. (again?)
- Added extra tools in sub-panel:
Buttons to clear (zero) rotation on X, Y and Z
(the standard) Rotation transform values box

Overlay Pie Menu (Upd)
- Added "Show Stats" button


Flat/Smooth Shading Toggle (NEW)
- Toggle for selected object(s) in Object or Edit mode. (keKit modeling panel)
- Will turn off Auto Smooth if used (you will be notified also)

Get & Set Edit Mode Extend (Upd/NEW)
Variant that selects and extends edit mode on mouse-over objects instead of switching object.

Render Visible (Upd)
- No more delay before rendering (Using handlers)


Render Image Slot Cycle (Upd)
Now checks for empty slots:
Renders Image to the first empty slot (supports any nr of slots).
No overwrites, you will just be notified when the slots are full.
*"Full-Wrap" toggle: When slots are full, wraps back over from slot1 (overwriting).
A notice will pop up to inform you when starting over from slot 1.
- Added handlers to check rendering status, so you cant run until a render in progress is completely done.
- Fixed bugs

Radial Array (Upd)
Fixed help text and added "C" as optional radius adjustment hotkey.

Render Visible (Upd)
Fixed Slot Cycling "Full" notification.
Note: Full-wrap cycle start over notification will not be shown for Render Visible.
Operator Change: Changed operator to support running outside 3d viewport.


Render Image Slot Cycle (NEW)
Render Image to the next render slot (supports any nr of slots), or first, if no renders have been made.

Render Visible (Upd)
Added toggle for Slot Cycling

Radial Array (Upd)
- Added Autoarrange toggle (in the kekit panel): Sometimes it is just easier to place the item manually, after all.
- Changed adjustment methods: No more modifier-keys (too many issues).
Instead, use hotkey to switch/enter modes and just move the mouse (like most blender tools) with following toggles:
X - Adjust radius
Z - Adjust depth
S - Adjust scale (same hotkey as before, but no longer a modifier key to hold down)
  (Numerical input mode will work at the same time.)
- Starting value for Adjustment modes is now autocalculated, to get more reasonable offsets.
- Offset values have been expanded: now goes from 1-5  (1 being really really tiny)

Frame All or Selected (Fix/Upd)
- Fixed frame all issue in object mode. (Frane All didn't ignore active, even though nothing was 'selected')
Operator Change: Changed operator to support future expanded functionality beyond the viewport (graphs, nodes etc)
Currently only viewport though. (old hotkeys will produce a notice for you to change them)


FitPrim (New/Upd/Fix)
- Added new mode: Plane primitive.  Quick update & demo video.
- Reworked mode handling (from ~17 enums to 5, with smarter implementation
- Rewrote maths code (a lot) for parallell detection for much improved trapezoid and rectangle fitting.
- Fixed cursor reset issue with cylinder object creation.
 Note: (Slight) Operator change, with the enums. May or may not affect your hotkeys.
 Check if you hotkeyed beyond the basic modes.

FitPrim Pie Menu (/New)
Reworked for updated op + to have "obj" creation always on the same spot, and mode-context sensitive now.
(As seen in the video above)

Direct Selection Modes (Fix)
No more error messages if you manage to accidentally have nothing/unsupported mesh selected and try to toggle modes.
Still to-do: Add support for pose bones and such modes. Maybe next version.


BG Sync (Fix)
Simplified node handling.
Unused env nodes will not remain on the grid since the images are still loaded for fast re-use in the session.
This will eliminate pretty much all purple screen scenarios. (screenshot from .410 updated)

Shading Pie Menu (Fix)
Studiolights in Rendered mode (when not using 'World') will now also have blur control,
which was left out for some reason.


Mouse Mirror (Fix)
- Fixed Edit Mode "bbox mode" (Local orientation) and world (Global orientation)


BG Sync (Fix/)
TLDR:  Purple render? Just run BG Sync
If you dont 'save' loaded HDR images, blender wont either. Resulting in purple renders when restarting,
even if it "looks" loaded with nodes etc,
the data is not there.  I dont want to save every single hdr BG Sync's, bloating the blend-files
(EXRs can get pretty big), so, I added a data-check to reload for the session but not saving them.
You can of course choose to do so yourself (to make sure bloat is minimized).


BG Sync (NEW)
Sync the Viewport Preview shading EXR to world render (incl. built in EXR's) with rotation and strength values.
It will file/node-manage for you, and reuse when possible. Like this.
Located here. It is also available in the extended shading pie, in material mode,
as well as rendered mode. (When you turn off "World" it uses preview).
Just for the record: "Blur" and "Alpha" are just viewport conveniences,
and do not actually affect the EXR shading in the viewport.
Still, getting a blurred background rendered image matching the viewport is possible,
but not trivial as it currently works (afaict) :
You have to add holdout mask collections view layer, backgrund in another view layer,
besides the main (deafult) viewlayer, and setup all 3 view layers outputs in the compositor, l
ike this example. With additional nodes for blurring. And people often already have such setups there.
All things considered, it is not something I want to mess with at this point.
BG sync is the best I can do for now ;)

Shading Pie Menu ()
Covered with BG Sync.
Materials Pie Menu ()
Added expanded materials list for faster access.
These will turn into columns for better space managment at around ~11 materials, like this.
This uses the "Materials Utilities" Add-on that comes with Blender.
You need to activate it, and set the "max until search" in that add-on's prefs,
to whatever your pc can handle (50 limit prob.) then the materials will be replaced with a search bar instead,
to not choke your pc.

Context Extrude ()
Added a toggle in theContext Tools Panel that lets CE use TT Toggle mode for vert and edge transform start mode (not faces).
Otherwise default behaviour.


Transform Tool Toggle (NEW)
Toggle between using Default Transform Tools / MouseAxis Tools / Viewplane Tools.
Icons and buttons as depicted here.
EDIT: VIDEO added.
(The viewport icons would be better placed somewhere in the middle, but there is no 'good' way of doing that, afaict. TBD.)
- Set the 'TT Move' / Rotate / Scale tools as your transform tool hotkeys (or wherever you like)
- Use the viewport TT Toggle icons or 'TT Mode Cycle'  to change between which tool is used by TT tools.
- Handles: 'TT Default' (the first one) uses the handle tools, otherwise the classic style ('Grab' etc.)
- Hide: Hide the viewport TT Toggle header icons (if you dont need them, or dont care about the tool at all)
- Select: Switches to Select Tool if default handle tools are active when toggling TT (for MouseAxis and VP)
Note: Preferred default mode can be set by saving kit settings

Unrotator (Fix/)
Nearly completely rewritten.
- Seemed completely broken in 2.92, and it was just easier to rewrite. Now faster and leaner.
+ Should now work placing mesh on subd models (again..)

Subd Toggle (Fix)
- Now works in sculpting mode

FitPrim (Fix)
- Can now place mesh on subd models (again...)


Quick Origin Move (NEW)
In Selection/Align Tools.
Run grab tool for selected objects origin (in modal)
to avoid having to set "Affect origin only" on and off in tool settings.
Default move variant will also first snap the origin to the mousepointer to avoid "offset" moving.
- Auto Axis variant will work like Mouse Axis Move and set initial axis lock. (no initial snap)
- Works with all orientations (except Normal: uses Local instead).
- Edit Mode will work (as in; it switches to Object Mode during the modal operation).
- Finish with LMB, cancel with RMB, (etc. as Mouse Axis Move.) Tip: You can rotate with 'R' during operation.

Subd Toggle (Upd/Fix)
- Changed toggle from subd level to viewport visibility
- Added defined preferences on toggle.
(I.e: Toggle will now set specified toggle settings on any subd modifier that is toggled.)
- Fix: Now works on "unselected" object that is in Edit mode.


Linear Array (/New)
Complete rewrite to bring it to parity with Radial Array.
- Much improved mouse vector handling (less glitchy) and general optimization.
- Added "Adjustment mode": Run Linear Array on an existing Linear Array object to adjust.
- Added Numerical input: "A" key enters numerical input (toggled from snapping) to set array count.
- Runs in object local orientation by default (it auto applies scale,
but for global mode you will have to apply rotation manually first, if needed)

Mouse Move Cursor (New)
Added new variant for Mouse Axis (in context tools).
- Quick way to move the cursor with Mouse Axis Move. Global orientation or Cursor
(:anything besides Global will use cursor orientation)
(and then MMB to switch axis lock, C to clear locks, as usual with grab tool)

Align Origin To Selected ()
Object mode: When a single object is selected it will use "Origin to mesh center" as a handy extra mode.

Get & Set Material ()
Will now work with multiple objects selected (both in Edit and Object Mode). Also has undo now.

Context Extrude ()
Vert and Edge Extrudes will now use mouse axis move (MMB to switch axis lock, C to clear locks)

Context Delete Hierarchy Option ()
Object mode: With this toggle enabled (in the context tools panel. save kit prefs),
all the (recursive) child objects of all selected objects will also be deleted, not just unparented.

Orient & Pivot Combo Naming ()
You can now name your combos. Click the "Name" button in the panel to enter "naming mode",
and the button again to set the name.  Save kit prefs.
+ Combo Icons have been replaced with simple color coded icons,
to be less specific than the previous ones (and quicker to read)
+ Pie Menu for Orientation & Pivots have been updated for quicker acces
(combos not baked into panels for faster flick-selection)


Radial Array (NEW)
This is my circular array solution for Blender. There are many like it, but this one is mine. VIDEO
Instructions in the video (H for help, while running).
Note: Using a parented empty as offset object, hidden by default.
Find in outliner for manual handling; spiral-offsets etc.

Subdivision Level Stepping up/down (NEW)
(Buttons in the Subd-Tools panel. Steps selected object(s) viewport subd level up or down.

Paste+ (Upd)
- Now makes the pasted object (using 'Paste Object') set to active.

Mouse Axis Move (Fix)
- Move: Local orientation with scaled object bug fixed.
- Rotate: Minor optimization

Origin to Selected (Fix)
- Bug where the cursor rotation was reset

SpaceToggle (Fix)
- Now works for curves (and other edit mode meshes besides just mesh)

Cursor Fit & Align
- O&P Toggle would not work in Object mode with no mouse over. Fixed.


FitPrim ( / Fix)
- Object Mode fitting now works (almost as good) as Edit Mode,
fitting objects based on face under mouse pointer. VIDEO
- Placing new objects/mesh (when pointing into space) will now place them at ground level,
with nearest-grid point snapping based on unit size. VIDEO
  Note: In perspective/non-ortho views.
  Orthographic views will use default blender style placement (semi random depth).

Tool-Tip Fixes ()
Added custom tool-tips for multi-option buttons (that needs them) like cursor,
view and snapping bookmarks, and a few others.

SubD tools: Set Viewport / Render Levels (Fix)
Will no longer apply smooth etc. Just sets levels.

Undo Fixes (Fix)
SubD Toggle, Zeroscale and Snapping Combos now have working undo.

Extract & Edit (Upd)
Will now autoselect the extracted components for ease-of-use.


Linear Array (/Fix)
Local Mode now works. (Set with Local Orientation,
setting to Global (or anything else) will use global orientation with rotation & scale applied.

Mouse Mirror & Flip (Fix/)
- Mirror in Global Orientation now uses the Object as center point relative to the mouse
(would use origo before, which was annoying)
- Edit Mode: Auto-select linked now works properly
(would select the entire mesh instead of selected mesh islands only)
- Edit Mode: Flip & Mirror in Local Orientation in is now simplified to global bbox direction only
(no pivot control) (use Cursor or Normal orientation for other directional flips)
- Object Mode: Mirror in Local Orientation is now fixed
(Ind.Origins Pivot for local bbox mirror with rotation and any other pivot set is without (global directions).

Mouse Axis Move (Fix)
Cursor and View Orientation now actually work.

Frame All or Selected ()
Now works in Pose Mode (bones)

Overlay Pie Menu ()
Bones visibility toggle added.


Copy+ ()
- Cut+ now works in Object Mode as well (Removes/stores entire mesh in cache)
- Paste+ now has a toggle (in the panel) for Merge behaviour in Object mode: If on,
it will merge the cache into a selected mesh object. If off, it will create a new object.
Note: With merge toggled on, a new object will be created if nothing is selected, or a non-mesh object is selected.


- Install/Panel Code Bug Fix
- Fresh Install bug issue fixed (Also: when reinstalling (zip) after removing an old version,
you probably need to restart blender before activating)


Get & Set Material ()
When grabbing materials in Object mode, it now stays in Object mode.

Copy+ (NEW/)
Cut+,Copy+ and Paste+ now include Object Mode operations by using (replacing) "Copy Objects" and "Paste Objects" (these).
These work for all object types, not just mesh.
In Edit Mode (on mesh objects)  Copy+ (cut,copy,paste) functionality will be used.
Paste+ will also work in Object Mode -IF- there is something in the Copy+ buffer; which will create a new Object.
Cut+ will do nothing in Object mode for now, TBD.
Operator Change: This means a new view3d category is used - remove old hotkeys. (also see general tip below)

Mouse Mirror & Flip v2 (NEW)
Completely reworked. Now uses Orientation setting to determine behaviour instead of different options
(and combining with Mouse Flip), redcing operators and need for subpanels with options in the kekit panel.
Note: The orientations will be re-calculated - it does not use the "old" orientation matrix, as that data is not exposed.
Note: Some orientations also have extra functionality depending on what pivot is used. GIMBAL & VIEW are not supported.

Basic Use:
Place Mouse pointer away from center (object, element or cursor)  along intended axis:
Further away along Z = Z axis, etc.

Mouse Mirror:
GLOBAL: Uses world origo as center.
LOCAL & Pivot set to INDIVIDUAL ORIGINS: Bounding Box mirror using the local rotation
Pivot set to ANYTHING ELSE: BBox mirror not using rotation (=Global axis)
NORMAL: Edit Mode - Only takes the Active Element into account for rotation/center and auto-selects connected mesh.
(NORMAL in Object Mode will use LOCAL)
CURSOR: Uses the cursor for center, and rotation if Pivot is also set to CURSOR, otherwise cursor rotation is ignored.

Mouse Flip:
GLOBAL: Uses world origo as center.
LOCAL:  Pivot set to INDIVIDUAL ORIGINS will use the local axis for flipping (in-place),
ANY OTHER pivot setting will not use rotation. (=Global axis)
NORMAL: Edit Mode - Only takes the Active Element into account for rotation/center and auto-selects connected mesh.
(NORMAL in Object Mode will use LOCAL)

CURSOR: Uses the cursor for center, and rotation if Pivot is also set to CURSOR, otherwise cursor rotation is ignored.

Operator Change: This is now a new (one, with two modes) operator - remove old hotkeys. (also see general tip below)

General Hokey Tip:
If you get a lot of spam in the console output from obsolete/removed operators (not just kekit)
this might be due to an old imported keyconfig
This file is found here, for example (PC):
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.91\scripts\presets\keyconfig

Export your newly cleaned up keyconfig (removing old bindings etc) and replace any keyconfig there
(backup the old one somewhere first too).


Shading Pie Menu (/NEW)
- Shading options are back! (Rotate Z, alpha, blur etc)
- Additional option (Shadows)  Keeping it relatively light and focused, as the pies are not persistent,
tweaking values is much less annoying in the regular menus/panels. Using this pie menu is meant more for
quick toggles of shading settings (that you've already tweaked and saved in your scene/startup)
- Cleaned up / Aligned the layout a bit
Operator Change:  Had to make a custom category operator.
This means it is the first op that comes with a pre-set hotkey (CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-0, which you obviously are meant to change)
NOTE: You need to manually remove the old keShading hotkey in prefs if used..


Snapping Combos (NEW)
Find In the "Combo" Panel Menu in the kit (renamed O&P combos panel):
"Store" the current snapping setttings
(stores every setting currently in play in the snapping menu, element(s), targets, projection etc.) into 1 of 4 slots.
Recall (apply) stored settings with "Use" button (for hotkeying), or  the new snapping pie menu.
Dont forget to save your kekit prefs!

Snapping Pie Menu v2 (NEW)
Complete snapping menu (all items) now featured + The 4 Snapping Combo (Use) Buttons.

Select Boundary +Active ()
Added "Nothing selected = Selects all (if existing) boundary edges" in the object(s) (multi edit-mode supported, btw)


Get & Set, Etc (Fix)
Broke some stuff with 1.397, fixed.


Get & Set Material (Fix)
Now works with modifiers (like subd) (again?)


SubD Toggle (Fix/)
Flatshading option got reversed, fixed.
New subd's applied with Toggle now also apply the render levels as defined, fixed.
Added Optimal Display as an option.
1.396: Added On Cage as an option
Fixed some spam errors from the subd pie.
Note: Operator change - Now a view3d op, so it can easily be hotkeyd from the panel.
(you need to remove your old hotkey)


SubD Toggle (NEW)
Toggles (or sets new if no subd modifier is present) subd viewport levels between current and zero ("off").
It stores the current level (if not zero) per object so it "remembers" the previous setting.
(1.394: added Auto-smooth OFF as default for Subd "ON", and Auto-smooth ON for subd "OFF"
(zero). + boundary and limit options below)
Boundary - Set default boundary smooth
Limit Surface - Set if you want to use limit surface.
Viewport Level - Default Viewport Subd level - (for new subd mods created).
Flat Edit  - Sets flat shading when level zero (off) is set, and back to smooth when subd is on.
Located  in modeling/subd tools.

Set Viewport Levels & Render Levels (NEW)
Quickly set all selected objects subd modifiers to defined levels. Note: The viewport value is also used by Subd Toggle.

Direct Selection Modes (Fix)
Now (finally) supports non-mesh geo (that still has an edit mode; Curves etc.) :
For such objects: Using Direct Vert or Edge or Face sets Edit mode, or toggle with direct Object mode.)
Future: Assigning "pose mode" and other special modes  to direct edge or face perhaps.

FitPrim (Fix)
Added quick n dirty scale compensation for mouse over object mode

Subd Pie Menu (WIP)
Some more wip here, with modifier handling and new tools. Still undocumented "early access".


Mouse Axis Move (Fix)
Fixed terrible math/code so that Local/Normal modes now work properly. (move, rot & scl)


Mouse Axis Move (New/)
- Added Rotation and Resize variants.
- Now works with Objects without an Edit Mode (Empties etc)

Unrotator 2.0 ()
- Greatly improved, handles more complex ngons and irregular faces.
Should work a lot better for all the Trapezoid Enthusiasts (aka Hardsurface artists ;)
- Can now use 2 parallel unlinked edges for alignment (for complex or really trash geo)
...and final fallback is ofc 3 vert-selection.

Straighten (NEW)
Snap an objects rotation to the nearest 90 degree angles. Or custom degree override in the redo panel.

Step Rotate Pie Menu (NEW)
Quickly flip a selection or object ("left" or "right" based on viewport angle relative to obj)
in 90,45 or 180 degrees (or custom, in the redo panel)
Pie menu also includes clear rotation and straighten.


Mouse Axis Move (New/)
Now supports all Orientation types (except Gimbal) not just Global :
Runs Grab with Axis auto-locked based on your mouse movement
using recalculated orientation based on the selected Orientation type.
Note: Not the "current" Orientation, as it must be recalculated;
If you set Normal Orientation from a face in Edit Mode, and go back to Object Mode,
it will result in Local being used.
Only "fresh" orientations will behave as expected.
Also: Not "perfect"- some rotations can tricky in local/normal.
Operator change: You need to remove the old hotkeys in prefs.

Mouse Axis Move Dupe (NEW)
As above, but duplicates selection first. Intended for "drag to copy" operation.
For example assigned like THIS.


Copy & Extract & Edit (NEW)
Macro step for  Extract & Edit, automating duplication.

Cursor Fit & Align (New/Fix)
New functionality (nr2) in Object Mode:
1. Object selected (or not) and pointing at face on object: fits cursor there.
2. Object selected, but pointing in space: Sets cursor to Objects transform
(origin, with rotation).
3. Object not selected & pointing in space: Resets cursor to world origin.
Fix: Fit issue in Edit Mode with all polys selected on a cube now works.

Mouse Flip  & Mouse Mirror ()
Simplified & bugfixed:
- Cursor Modes:  Now works in global only (regardless of your current set orientation),
as a world space offset.
Operator change: You may need to remove and re-apply hotkeys.

Overlays Pie Menu (Fix)
Face orientation toggle works in both Edit & Object mode now
+ Removed context dissolve (blender) & bsnapping piemenus from panel menus,
as they are pretty useless.
(Operators remain for legacy support.)


keKit Prefs v2 (Fix)
Hotfix for the new file saving system. (Forgot to check with the new ID Materials.
Blender arrays needed handling.)
Also: Fixed the lack of min-max on ID Materials.

VPGrab, Rotate & Resize (NEW)
New options for these:  "Global or Tool"  : Will set VP only when in global transform mode,
otherwise launches the transform gizmos.
Like so; IMAGE.
I mostly made if for use with VPRotate
(I like the gizmo for more control when in Local, Normal etc)
Note: The "Auto Global" option will override these too.


Render Visible (NEW)
Renders only what is visible in the viewport, regardless of render status checked. Single frame.
Useful for test-renders etc. especially in complex scenes, so you dont have to juggle settings,
just go localmode and render, for example.
Note: This is modal-timer hack, temporarily adjusting render-statuses.
Needed for render progress to show. jfyi.

Mouse Axis Move (NEW)
A Grab-launcher that selects which axis to lock based on initial mouse movement
(like Grab-drag-MMB, without the MMB).
Then just use Grab as usual, MMB to switch axis etc.
Note: Works best in Global Transform - currently only checks global axis.
Local object space handling maybe in the future.

ID Materials (NEW)
12 customizable presets for material masking. Will re-use and apply ID-materials,
so you dont have to material manage (just apply).
Also available in a pie menu, combined with Material Utils (if you have it enabled).
Find here: IMAGE  (Pie Menu in Pie-Menu... Menu)

keKit Prefs v2 (NEW)
Completely rewrote the file prefs system for JSON storage.
The old one was just a temp hack turned into a monster-pain to work with.
IMPORTANT: This will make your old prefs file incompatible and you will have to re-set your kit prefs.
Its not that many, really,  just the kit prefs, not hotkeys or anything.

keKit Add-On Prefs (NEW)
I will use this space for "Blender Integration" type of settings. First up:
Modal Color settings - These will set the colors of all the keKit modal tools on-screen text.
Now you can match the text to your custom Neon Green Theme (etc)  ;)

Cleaning Tools - Purge Tools (NEW)
Easy to access button to remove unused data, per category, or the standard Purge All function.

Quick Measure (UPD)
- Zooming with mouse wheel is now supported

Linear Array (UPD)
- Added new "Global Only" Toggle: Will use Global transform during operation,
as well as Apply Rotation.
  This makes for a smoother ride 90% of the time for me.
- Changed apply to Left Mouse and Right Mouse to cancel (which is more like an undo in this case),
to conform to general standard.

QuadSphere/Fitprim - (FIX))
Will now be named QuadSphere and not "Box" ;>

FitPrim (FIX)
- Fixed same-mesh fitting-between bugs. finally.
- Fixed 0-index bug. (if not index-integer if not smart...)

Get & Set Edit Mesh / Materials, Unrotator - Visibility Bugs (FIX)
- These will no longer take invisible objects into account, which caused a lot of issues.

+ Some minor panel button arrangement tweaks.


View Align Selected Toggle (NEW v3)
New face calculation, works much better with ngons. Re-Added "Frame View"
(prob most often the desired view, you can always zoom out for overview)

New mode: Align to Cursor
Aligns view to Cursor.
Note: Will probably only work well if used in conjunction with Cursor Fit & Align.
OR, cursor Z is pointing outwards.
Important: Operator change - You will need to manually remove old hotkeys and set a new one.

+ UI View Align keKit panel clean up


View Align Selected Toggle (NEW v2)
New operator (same name) that does a much better job at aligning the view
(in orthographic) in a more useful orientation than previous version.
(Much improved from vanilla Shift-NUM7)
Edit Mode: Align View to Active Face OR 3 Vertices OR 2 Edges.
Vert & Edge modes are useful for ngons (or more control):  Longest selection angle -> horizontal.
(Though sometimes it will align vertically.)
Object Mode: Obj's Z axis (default Shift-NUM7 functionality used here)
Then use View Align Selected Toggle again to restore a stored view from before entering aligned view.
Thus the 'toggle' part.


View Align Snap (and Contextual) (FIX)
Some views (for back and right view) got mixed up. All good now.


View Align Snap (NEW)
Snaps the view to the closest Ortho view.

View Align Snap Contextual (NEW)
Combines View Align Selected Toggle:  If anything is selected.
therwise just snaps the view to closest ortho.(In the Context Tools Sub-menu)

View Align Selected Toggle (Fix)
Will now always be orthographic when aligned to selected. For max alignment..iness.

Merge To Mouse (Fix)
Fixed a bug that failed the operation in certain cases where there were invalid candidates evaluated.


View Align Selected Toggle (NEW)
Align View to Active Object or Element (Shift-NUM7 + frames selection in ortho)
and then restores original view when toggled.
Ex: VIDEO  (Note: The "Roll" is Shift-NUM4 or 6. I have custom hotkeys though.)

View Bookmarks (NEW)
Like cursor bookmarks, but for the viewport camera (the built in one).
E.g: Working on a large/complex scene and dont feel like keyframing a camera.
Stores the full view (more or less) (Ortho/Persp, Distance, Location and Rotation)

Get & Set View Pos (NEW)
A common feature in game engines/editors where "Get" provides a text string representing the current view
that you then can copy to clipboard,
send to a friend/coworker who can paste it in and "Set" to make sure you are looking at the -exact- same place.
(Same type of storage as view bookmarks.)
(Screenshots and 'travel directions' will only get you so far in a large/complex scene.)
Located under View Bookmarks.

SUBD Workflow Pie Menu (NEW, WIP)
Essentials for a simple & efficent SUBD workflow. Still WIP, so more on this later.
If you want to try "early access" style: Assign pie to hotkey & Start with "Set W-SUB" on a cube -
you can figure it out from there.

Overlay Pie Menu (Fix)
Backface Culling option now works in Object Mode too.

Linear Array (Fix)
Small hotkey fix for  "<" as "Y" alternative.
Note: You need to assign additional Y-axis entry with "<" key in move: transform modal map,
if you want to use this.


Linear Array ()
A few usability updates:
- Added Imperial units snapping support.
- Added display of active snapping mode unit type
- Snapping can now be toggled off with the same snapping buttons (1-4)  5 is removed,
shift-tab remains as a toggle.
- Added '<' as 'Y' axis-lock alternative.
  Tip '<' is a convinient Y-lock hotkey for many (though not all) non-U.S layouts,
  as it is right next to Z & X. Ex: IMAGE
- Changed Release Axis Constraint off hot-key to "C"  to match other modal maps better.
Triple Connect Spin & Maya Connect ()
Added minor exception check for certain edge cases (sic) to cover a few scenarios,
so that it tries 'vert connect pair' if 'vert connect path' fails - before finally failing.


Align To Active (NEW)
Align selected object(s) to the Active Object's Transforms (loc and rot,
you probably want to apply scale most of the time). Not only meshes, but to lights and such too.

Align Origin To Selected (/New)
New: Changed Object Mode functionality to Align to Active Object (Like Align to Active, for origins only).
Fixed parenting issue (all aligns should work if obj is parented)

Swap Places (NEW)
Swaps placement (transforms) of two selected objects (not exclusive to mesh).
(Apply scale if you dont want to swap that too)

Select Inverted Linked (Fix)
Changed operation to something less stupid. Now works.

Align Pie Menu ()
More spacing, added new ops.

Overlay Pie Menu ()
Added Vertex Weights Display option

Select/Align Panel Menu ()
Reworked panel with far easier to use layout, esp. with the new align options.

Shading Pie (/Fix)
Some shading mode options (material preview for instance) caused error spams when using search,
and has been commented out. for now.


Linear Array (New)
Creates an array (Blender Array Modifier) in a line where instances are spaced automatically between start and end,
modo-style. VIDEO
Note: Modifier remains active in the stack (though you will have to do changes (maths) there the old fashioned way.
(Prob. faster to just redo.)
Scale will be applied. Press 'H' when active for all the hotkeys.

Context Slide (New)
In the Context Tools Menu in the kit panel. For those who feel two taps on G is just one click too many ;)


Context Selection Modes (Fix)
Last remaining issues sorted. Also fixed "mouse over mode"
(though still limited by view clip and viewport camera positions somewhat).


Context Select / Extend / Deselect (Fix)
Finally works with the redo panel. (No longer drops selected loops when redoing).
(Reminder: Assign for Dbl-click select (etc.) loops and such)

Cursor Fit & Align (Fix)
Now works with floater verts.

Context Selection Modes (Fix)
Handles non-selection scenarios better (no error msg)


Cursor Bookmarks (New)
Submenu in the selections panel that lets you store and recall cursor transforms (location & rotation)
Stored in the blend file, so persists between sessions -
if you save (PSA: Remember to save your work ;>). Euler only cursor rotation mode for now.

FitPrim PieMenu Offsets (, Fix)
: When using the FitPrim pie menu,
the placements are now offset so they are (close enough) to the point you clicked to open the pie menu.
Fixed: Bad code made it not work on wonky faces. Now  works.
(You are likely to get somewhat random size results, but close enough.)

Unrotator (2.90 Fix Fix)
Buggy 2.91 bug-fix broke 2.9, fixing the fix.


Mouse Mirror (Fix)
Fixed Undo crash in Object Mode, improved undo for Edit Mode.


Direct Element Selection Mode (Fix)
(These are represented by the icons at the top now since 1.373)
No longer throws an error when selection is without an active object.

Get & Set Edit Mode (Fix)
Local view will only select visible objects.

Unrotator (2.91 Fix)
Early 2.91 compatibility fix: It will now work in 2.91. (On the latest Beta at least.)


FitPrim Object Mode (New/)
Object Mode: Mouse over object will size & align object to face under mouse (1cm cap for now)
or unit size when over nothing. VIDEO.
Note: Size is a simpler operation in object mode (the sq.root of the face area).
Use edit mode (make object) if you need more precision.
+Bug fix: Make Object mode will no longer reset cursor pos to world center.

Select Geo by Vert Edges (New)
Selects geo by the amount of edges (1 vert (Loose) = 0 edges, 1 edge (Loose) = 1 edge, etc. up to Ngons (5+)
Placed under Cleaning Tools menu.

Unrotator (Fix)
Place Object Duplicates Mode no longer reset the original objects rotation.

Kit Panel UI ()
Compacted UI a lot, turned some buttons into icons, and compacted space.
Removed Items: Blender default buttons (Show Extras, Object Wireframe) as I never use these
(just use hotkeys/piemenus) as well as Box.
Note: The operator is still included, but not displayed in the panel.


Select Invert Linked (New)
Invert selection, but only on connected/linked geo (Edit Mode).

Quick Measure Freeze Mode (New) + s
A new mode that starts in saved selection mode for quicker measured adjustments.
Note: Operator changed. You probably need to manually remove old QM-hotkeys before use.
UI cleaned up with a Help Mode, hiding the onscreen hotkeys until help is on (by pressing 'H')

Select Collinear Verts ()
Added info report & Switch to vert mode if collinear verts are found.

Set & Align Cursor (Fix)
Restores scene cursor mode after operation (no longer stays in quaternion mode)

Kit Panel UI layout ()
Getting too crowded: Added more subpanels (Select & Align). Moved Macro Mesh Cleaner into its own panel.

Focus Mode & Super Focus Mode (Fix)
Now takes the new stats info into account.


Get & Set Edit Mode 
- Quick fix to not deselect current mesh as active.


Macro Mesh Cleaner (New)
Runs all the relevant(imho) selected clean up operations in one click.
Works in Edit & Object mode (with multiple selected objects in Object mode)

Select Collinear Verts (New)
Separate selection operator (derived from Macro Mesh Cleaner) to select collinear verts.

Zero Scale (s)
- Horizontal & Vertical Modes will use Global snapping (temporarily: you retain current Orientation & Pivot)
- Added Zero Scale Cursor Mode (in the Pie & Panel Menu. Replacing the panel item.)

Mouse Mirror Cursor Mode ()
Changed the Cursor Mode behaviour: Will now use cursor location & rotation as offset
Also works in object mode: The cursor pos will be the origin point -This may or may not change. TBD.

Cursor Fit & Align ()
Added toggle-checkbox in the panel menu for the automatic orienation & pivot to cursor change.

Context Edge Delete/Dissolve ()
Reverted to default behaviour (Dissolve with vert dissolve). Prob for the best.

Direct Slide Cut ()
Renamed items in panel and updated mouse over info. No functionality change.

Quick Scale ()
Moved to sub-panel. No functionality change. Getting crowded in here...

Frame All or Selected ()
Now works with Curves and Surfaces/NURBS.

ViewPlane Contextual Tools ()
VPGrab etc. now works with Curves and Surfaces/NURBS.


New operator for Copy+ and Paste+, adding Cut+ function, to quickly copy elements to another object.
It stores the elmenents in a temporary cache(an unlinked collection):
You don't have to worry about messing with the source object(s) anymore,
and it is not visible in the scene outliner. Not stored between sessions/blender restart.
NOTE: 'New operator' means you will have to manually clear and re-apply any hotkeys.

Context Dissolve/Delete Edge
'Context Delete Edge' is now Dissolve Edges (with verts) which is how i prefer edge "deleting" to work,
and 'Context Dissolve Edge' will Dissolve Edge (leaving verts) but with a limited dissolve
(to remove remaining colinear verts if possible without breaking the mesh structure.)

Overlays Pie Menu
Renamed "Outline" to "Selection Outline" and added "Object Outline" (from viewport shading).


FitPrim Pie Menu
Added Options for both Edit & Object creation right there in the pie menu. Pie Menus Overview Image updated.
(not all up2date).

FitPrim QuadSphere
Now uses subdivided cube macro instead of extra objects add-on, no more extra-objects issues and no dependencies.

Now selects pasted mesh.

Merge To Mouse
Reverted to raycasting in Orthographic view.  Only special case is Quad View, which uses "Merge To Last".


Un-fixed the 2.83 fix, as the issue was fixed/reverted in 2.9, it seems. So now it works in 2.9. Good times.

Merge To Mouse
When in Orthographic view or Quad View now just runs built-in "Merge To Last". (Actual raycasting fix, TBD).
Mouse Mirror
Inverted mesh issues fixed.


Extract & Edit 
added - Simple macro to separate mesh selection into new object, set as active object, and enter edit mode.
- FitPrim QuadSphere 2.9 Undo bug + Auto smooth bug fixed
- Direct Cut fix (default mode) :
will issue info message that no suitable edge was found under the mouse instead of error message.
- Mouse Mirror (default mode) Orientation bug fix, Active mode offset bug fixed


- ZeroScale 2.9 bug fixed. Now works in 2.9


Quick Scale 
added. Rescales the object/selected elements to specifiec size, in specified axis, with unit scaling or not.
No need to apply transforms.

Quick Measure
Added Round-Snap feature. Will snap the mesh to nearest cm in meters,
as specified by the on-screen instructions in the tool.
Other scene units, like feet or micrometers, may work in a similar fashion - untested:
It just rounds to nearest second decimal.

Direct Loop Cut
Changed functionality - the default mode (*not* DC & Slide) will now ignore edge-selection when the mouse is over the mesh.
Slicing selected edge/edges (multi-edge slicing) will work as before when the mouse is not over the selected mesh.


- Fixed Context Bevel issues due to API change in 2.90
- Context Dissolve: Edges dissolve now combo with limited normal dissolve;
Dissolves verts too, except corner verts.
(Not exactly, but a bit more like 'remove edges' in Modo.)
- Quick Measure: Fixed (2.9 changed) text readability.


- ZeroScale added. Scales selected elements to axis nearest screen -vertical- (or horizontal,
in snapalign pie menu) Active Element for pos. Else; average.ZeroScale VIDEO.
- Snap-Align Pie Menu added. All the "snap" pie menu items +
ZeroScale variants and some cursor and origin align tools from the kit.
Note: I use this as a replacement for the default snap pie menu.
- Fixed bugs in Frame all or Selected (context tools) which sometimes did not "frame all" with nothing selected.
(now works with active only)
- Shading Pie - added toggles for cavity & specular
- ..maybe one more unrotator bug fixed, cant rememeber, and my notes just say "vertex". smh.


- Unrotator: Bugfixed - "Rotation Offset" now works consistently in all modes
(and not if you move the camera, reminder added also (in redo panel))
"Center to Face" - now works consistently, but not in the redo panel
(only available in the main menu). also, auto-reset no longer necessary if hotkeys are setup correctly,
so option is removed.
+Redo-panel column views for Align Center to selection etc.


- VP Duplicate & Move: New macro that uses VPGrab. Works in Edit & Object mode.
(In context sub-menu. Intended as "duplicate & move" replacement)

- Bridge Or Fill: Added Face-Add mode -
3+ Verts selected in vert mode, or 2 connected edges (like a corner) in edge mode, makes poly.

- Align Origin(s) to Selection:
New macro of Align&Fit Cursor + Origin to Cursor. +Restores cursor loc/rot to same as before.


- Quick Measure: Freeze-Selection Mode added, Unit formatting, bugs fixed. VIDEO.
- Snapping Pie:  Incremental Snapping now sets 'Absolute Grid' when selected.


FitPrim: Fixed face mode selection bug(s) - Should now work with all selections as advertised.
Unrotator: Added Undo/F9 options - "rotation offset" and "center on face".
In Object mode these only work when "Object Place Only (no snapping)" is checked in the kit panel.


FitPrim: Fixed context bug (when using "make object" when already in object mode)


Cursor Fit & Align: Fixed much better edge fitting.
Added new 3-vert selection fitting routine for precise fit in any situation.
View Plane Transforms (VPGrab, VPRotate & VPResize):
Launches the tools with the current view plane set. (I mostly use it for rotate) VIDEO.

Triple Connect Spin:  Fixed nothing selected error. Added options per selection mode.

Origin to Cursor: Added options to set only location, rotation or both.

keSnapping Pie Menu:  Added "Center" (that I forgot) to the options. Pie Menus Overview Image updated.

bSnapping Pie Menu: New pie menu; straight copy of the blender snapping panels as (contextual) pie colums.

keOverlays Pie Menu: Added Object Wireframe toggle.

Get & Set Material: Added Offset launch option for use in Pie Menus. Instructions here.


Quick Measure: Grab (translate), Resize(scale) and Rotate now avaiable while QM is running.
VIDEO. Note: Only updates on release.
Now also allows all modifiers (ctrl, alt, shift) passthrough as well as XYZ (and <.
Faster text drawing. Manual update mode removed.

Context Select Bugfix: no longer errors when no valid objects are selected.

keOverlay Pie Menu : Rearranged to also fit Show Cursor and Show Origins.

New keShading Pie Menu: The regular shading pie but with useful contextual extras:
Pie Menus Overview Image.

Ground or Center : Added Center XY and Ground Y mode.
Added Raycast option: VIDEO.  Selection is retained post operation.

FitPrim : Big bugfix, face-fitting now works properly (again)!
Also, added hotkey-option "make object" for alternative itemizing hotkey. VIDEO.

Origin(s) to Selection : Now also works in Object mode : Centers to center mass.

 - Paint select setup. Just so I dont cause any headaches ;>
 My tutorial pic now reflects what I learned: The radius should just be set to 1. (pic updated)


Ground or Center - bug fix, or: Now actually has an Edit Mode function (grounds all selected to Z0).
Multi-Mesh mode supported for Object & Edit.

Align Origin(s) to Cursor - bug fix (works when run in Edit mode too now)


New scripts: Bounding Box, Convex Hull, Fit 2 Grid, Align Origin(s) to Cursor.
Align & Fit Cursor rewrite. Focus Mode & Super Focus Mode.
All pretty self-explanatory.

New pie menus added: Two Fit2Grid preset pies. Overlay Pie, with new Edge Overlay toggle script, and focus mode scripts.

Orientation & Pivot Pie, combines the two lists + opc quick access.

Bugfix and changes: Unrotator - "Invert Rotation" now flips the rotation (as expected);
the 2.83+ bugfix is automatic under the hood.

Menu now has a modeling sub-panel for easier area managment.
NOTE: Dont forget to restart Blender after (re)installing! Required for some scripts.


Mouse Over Select & Set Mode fixed bugs, Align & Fit Cursor last bug fixed!


Align & Fit Cursor - Rotation align now works on edge and verts normals too.
No selection resets cursor. (saving me a hotkey)

Mouse Over Select & Set Mode - A small failsafe added for edit mode: changes element mode even if raycast fails.


Itemize fix: Now works with sub-collections.


Unrotator: Fixed one (stupid) bug for index 0 faces
Added "Invert Rotation" toggle, intended for 2.83 and up (makes it work, useless otherwise).
TBD what changed from <2.82, but, this works for now. save invert prefs as needed.


Fixed fresh install bug, should be installable on all versions of Blender now !
(2.83 beta and 2.90 Alpha included.)
Note: I do not support anything but the current stable release by default. jfyi ;)


d Quick Measure: Massive speed-boost, probably can remove manual update mode
(leaving it in for now).

Note: Select action required -
paint select combo selection (as my setup above) will only update on discrete select clicks.
Also added colored axis lines, cyan single lines,
and bbox colors changed to not clash with the default "selection orange".


Added Quick Measure - Contextual selection measurement tool.  See 1.286 video here.
Added Mouse Over Select & Set Mode on Mode change option for Mode Selects.
Unrotator - bugfixed (no selected item issue), added snapping default option.
Get & Set Edit Mode - bugfix (no longer switches to edit mode if nothing is under the mouse).
Merge To Mouse - Bugfix (Triangulated mesh issues)
Ground - Added Item mode (uses objects bounding box)
- Operator category change -> Any assigned hotkey needs update. Sry!
...And probably some other minor fix I forgot to note.


Added MouseFlip & MouseMirror v1.0 -
Flips or mirrors selection relative to mouse position. Note:Object mode is a bit wip, esp. cursor mode.
Functions like the Modo versions, but with Active Element & cursor options instead of Workplane.
See old video here.  Blender video TBD.

Also Added SpaceToggle. Toggle Edit & Object mode when mouse is over nothing.
(intended for dual mapping on mouse button mapping)


Merge to Mouse -  "Merge-To" Edge Mode added. Video here.


Prefs file now placed in "Scripts" folder for easier updates (no need to backup prefs each kit update,
only for Blender versions)
Probably works better with non-standard add-on paths too. (untested)

Merge to Mouse - When in edge mode now runs the (blender default) edge collapse (merge) tool. For now...


Direct Loop Cut (& Slide) - Really Fixed. Hopefully for the last time now, should not crash anymore.


Direct Loop Cut (& Slide) - More Fixed. (Bmesh bug should be good now...edit: Nope!)


Direct Loop Cut (& Slide) - Fixed. Now slices both directions, and works when start edge is on boundary edges.


Added Direct Loop Cut (& Slide). Added new Preferences system. Added new Orientation & Pivot Combo Operators.
Better menu context display.
And some bugfixes; Itemize should not get stuck on copy, View Fit works better, and other things I forgot.
Again, some hotkeys may need redoing then, sorry about that ;) Video update on youtube-channel.


Added Spheres & Object modes to FitPrim.
Note: I changed operator context, so any hotkeys will be void and needs to be re-applied.
Also - Added F2 mode to Bridge or Fill (mouse-over instructions). Could be a suitable F hotkey replacement now? Maybe.
New script: Frame All or Selected  (mouse-over instructions) Video update on youtube-channel.


First bugfix! ;>
Get&Set Material issue where a material is not properly linked, so the setting was lost at blender reload.
Now fixed!


  • First public release ~ Jan 11th 2020
  • A lot of focus on contextual scripts (dbl-click edge-loops and selections, bevel by type etc)
  • Most scripts are pretty self explanatory - mouse hover over the menu for instructions
  • VIDEO (YT) demonstration of the more complex scripts