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Script Collection for Blender

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Wiki Last Updated: 2024-02-29 ISO8601
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What is keKit?

keKit is a Blender Add-on

How do I use it?

Download & Install

To avoid potential issues when updating keKit, follow these steps exactly:
  1. Export keKit Settings
  2. Quit Blender
  3. Delete the kekit add-on folder manually (Find HERE)
  4. Do extract the new zip-file manually (replacing the deleted folder)

Manage your own Shortcuts

- The Shading Pie Menu has a custom class operator with a preset shortcut (For you to change)


*    *    *


Add-On Preferences


Import | Export | Reset - keKit Settings
'Settings' include all the options for the keKit operators etc. in the keKit panel, add-on prefs, and assigned keKit shortcuts & properties (since v3.19).
This 'extra' shortuct backup can be very useful. For Example (image)
Tab Location
Enter a different tab name to relocate keKit in the N-panel.
All the keKit modules are appended to the main header: Restart Blender or click "Reload Add-ons To Update" for all the keKit modules to reload

keKit Modules

keKit UI Settings

keKit UI
  • Color Icons
  • Use custom color icons for various keKit operators, or monochrome western-arabic numbers:
    • The extra alternatives in the image are found in the separate Monochrome Variant Pack download:
    • Kanji/Hànzì, Runes(Futhark) & Quenya(Tengwar). Also includes the western-arabic numbers
    • Download HERE
    • Tip: You can just overwrite any of the icons with whatever you want! (in 32x32px)
  • Outliner Extra Buttons
  • Standard Blender Operators as buttons:
  • Show Active
  • Show One Level / Hide One Level
  • Sync Material & Viewport
  • Toggle to show/hide button in Material Properties. See keKit Panel version here
  • Sync Active BSDF material's color, roughness, metallic to Viewport Solid Shading Material
  • Requires Render & Shade Module
  • Color VIDEO - Texture VIDEO
  • Experimental Mode
  • Enable / disable experimental features (that work, but may have quirks / issues)
  • Menu items that require E.M. display "N/A" placeholder text if E.M. is OFF, or wont be displayed at all
  • Currently only affects certain interactive property controls in Menus
  • Known Issue: Error spam in console in some use cases - e.g. 'Menu Search'
  • Note: They all work just fine besides this issue. Fix TBD (unlikely)
  • Extend Tool Settings
  • Extends the Tool Settings menu bar with icons for Correct Face Attributes and Live UV Unwrap, and custom spacing (so you can match your n-panel width)
  • Intended for Edit Mesh context, but will work in other modes (using available options)
  • Will also display (as shaded/disabled items) in Object Mode: Showing the state of the options

keKit Shortcut Tools

This sub-menu in Add-on prefs has a 3-choice Mode selector:
* As it is sometimes tricky to determine which blender category 'should' take priority, this listing makes no attempt to calculate hierarchy - and it may just be false positives

Main Panel Header / Tab

All the keKit Modules will be appended to this header.

keKit Cursor Menu

3D-Cursor Menu

Adds a custom 3D-Cursor Menu in the viewport header.

Cursor Ortho Snap

*    *    *


Geometry Module

Creation, Duplication, Measurements, Object modes

Cut+, Copy+, Paste+

Cut+ or Copy+ stores selected elements/objects in a buffer (temp external blendfile) in Edit or Object Mode,
which you can then Paste+ into another mesh in Edit Mode (merge), or into a new object in Object Mode.

The buffer is stored until a new Copy+ or Cut+ operation. (Paste+ unlimited nr of times.)
(Uses Blenders "Copy Objects" & "Paste Objects" copybuffer)

Option Buttons: (Object Mode) Copy+ will respect the Copy on Duplicate - Material setting in Blender preferences:
if disabled, the original material will be assigned - If enabled, duplicated: IMAGE

This is a workaround for the Copy/Paste Objects dupe material issue (Copy+ uses it)
You will need to use both copy+ (or cut+) & paste+ to avoid duplicate materials

Extract & Edit

Instantly cut (extract) elements into a new Object & set Edit Mode.

Customize E&E behaviour in Shortcut-settings: IMAGE
Tip: Create multiple shortcuts for different behaviours.

Extract & Extrude (ExEx)

Mouse Mirror & Mouse Flip

Mirror or Flip selection based on mouse position (for direction) and Orientation type selected. (recalculated)
Quick Demo VIDEO

Extra: Local Duplicate - This enum option can only be manually assigned in the shortcut editor.
It will disregard current orientation & always use "local" mode, in both Object and Edit mode.

VP Flip

Linear Instances / Array

Creates an array in a line spaced automatically between the original object and where you point the mouse:

Note: The local orientation the Object will be used.

Radial Instances

A modal tool for circular duplication of linked mesh data objects (aka Instances) :

Radial Array

A modal tool for setting up a circular Array Modifier solution.
The cursor defines the circle center location and rotation
(Cursor Z-axis = "Hub" axis)
(Old) VIDEO (YT)

BBox & Convex Hull



'Remake' of the old PolyBrush from Bool-Tool (pre 2.8 Blender)
Uses the Grease Pencil (PolyLine default) to sketch up a new mesh (Tip: Use ortho view)

Quick Measure

Contextual Measurement Tool, by selection mode.

Get & Set Edit Mode

Selects object under the mouse pointer and switches selection to Edit Mode.

Zero Local

Temporarily stores & zeroes an objects Location & Rotation & enter Local Mode
Run Zero Local again to exit Local Mode & restore Location & Rotation.
Zero Local R: Rotation only

Local Mode by Distance

Include/Exclude objects in local mode from selection by distance. Options in redo-panel for:

Unhide or Local Off

Unhide hidden objects, or set Local Mode off - if currently in Local mode. Compatible with Zero Local.

Grid Scale Toggle


Creates (unit or unit+height) mesh primitive based on element selection - or face under mouse, in Object Mode.

Assign shortcuts for fast operation or use FitPrim Pie Menu


Overview VIDEO (YT)

Render & Shade Module

Render Visible

Render Image of only what is currently visible in the viewport - Regardless of outliner object render toggles.

Render Image Slot Cycle

Render Image to the first empty render slot (supports any nr of slots*)

BG Sync

Sync Material & Viewport

Get & Set Material

Grabs material from any object's face under the mouse pointer and applies it to the current selection

Can also grab a texture from a drag & drop image empty & assign it to a new material for your selection:
(It will check if a material is already using the texture to re-use that instead of making a new material every time)

Unwrap Macro

Toggle Seam

ID Materials

Applies simple "ID" Material to Object(s) / Faces.
A common masking/baking utility. Baking use-case example: IMAGE
Also available in the ID Materials pie menu

Bookmarks Module

Cursor Bookmarks

View Bookmarks

Snapping Combos

Orientation & Pivot Combos

Set up 6 combo-operators that will set Orientation & Pivot to your most commonly used combinations.
Note: You can rename the Combos (for the O&P pie menu)

Select & Align Module

Cursor Fit & Align

Release VIDEO (YT)
Also availabe in pie menu
Note: This is meant to supplement to standard cursor placement tool (which has snap-drag for offset, for example), not a complete replacement.

Align Cursor Rotation

Aligns the 3D Cursor rotation to the face under the mouse pointer, or clears rotation if over nothing.

Step Rotate

Align View

Frame All or Selected

Frame selection in View, or everything if nothing is selected.

Align Origin(s)

Quick Origin Move

Run Grab Tool for selected objects Origin (in modal) to skip having to set "Affect origin only" on and off.

Align Object(s)

Object Mode uses "Set Origin" - so all the other modes are available in the redo panel :
Origin to Geo, Origin to Cursor, Origin to Center Mass (Surface & Volume)

(old) VIDEO (YT)

Match Active Bounding Box


Swap Places

Swap places (transforms) for two objects. loc, rot & scale. (Apply scale first if you dont want to swap scales.)

Lock, Lock Unselected & Unlock

Select Boundary+

Select Boundary ('region_to_loop') that also sets one edge to Active. (Handy for scripts that need an Active edge.)

Select Inverted Linked

Edit Mode: Inverts element selection - but only on connected / linked mesh geo.
Object mode: Regular Invert-select

Mouse Side of Active

Like vanilla Side of Active, but using mouse position to automatically calculate which side of the active element to select.


Show in Outliner

Set Active Collection

Select Objects by Vert Selection

In Multi-Object Edit Mode: Selects only objects that have vertices selected, and set object mode

Select by Display Type

Select visible objects in scene by viewport display type: Textured, Solid, Wire, Bounds (With subtypes)

Modeling Module

Extrude Along Edges

Extrude from "shape" edge loop(s) along a "path" edge loop (that has the Active Element)
(Also availabe in the keMisc Pie Menu)

Convert to CBO

Convert a "shape" edge loop to 'Curve Bevel Object' curve & a "path" edge loop to host curve


Remove (or "re-bevel") beveled corners on meshes: VIDEO
- Select the the edges of the bevel you wish to "unbevel"
- You can also select a row of faces.
   Note: Use Auto-Ring / Edge mode for multi-ring operations.
- Adjust settings/options in redo-panel.

Auto-ring - Runs edge ring selection before unbevel.

Rebevel Options:
Keep Width - Keeps the size of the bevel (uncheck for custom offset value)
Count - New segment count
Profile - as regular bevel profile
Merge UVs - As regular bevel option

Ground or Center

Ground: Drop selection to Z-Axis location Zero (or custom override value) or,
Center Selected (elements or objects).
Select Process & Operation in redo panel -->

Nice Project

Knife Project, but nice (to use). VIDEO (YT)

Edit mode: Element selection is cutter
Object mode: Active Object is cutter. All other visible mesh objects will be cut.

Use All Edges option (Edit & Object Mode), treats all edges as boundary edges to use for cutting: VIDEO
Note: Object Mode cutters with no boundary edges will automatically switch to "Use All Edges" mode, as seen in the video above.

Cut-through (same as regular Knife Project)
Edit Mode Only:
Keep Cutter Geo (or delete it post op)
Keep Cutter Selected (or select resulting geo)

Tip: As Nice Project uses the regular Knife Project, it also works with Curves as Cutters (in Object Mode).

Note: Redo will use the current view = If you redo after you have changed the view since the last execution, the current view is the view that will be used.

Bool Knife

Same as (Edit Mesh/Face menu/) Intersect (Knife) but with Object Mode support
Note: In Object Mode the operation does not also affect the cutter, unlike Edit Mode.

Active Slice


Delete Outer / Inner geo option: VIDEO


Tris To Quads but with N-gon support

Merge To Mouse

Merge Near Selected


Perform Merge / Collapse actions depending on Edit Mode Element Selection Mode:
Note: This operator was previously called "Merge to Active"

Fit 2 Grid


Scales selected elements to "zero" / flattens, in various methods: ZeroScale Auto: (Assign as shortcut)

Scale from Face

Quick Scale


Double-cut edge rings with optional middle cut. (Like Loop Cut combined with Offset Edge Slide for the ends)

User customizable presets to use in the panel, as hotkeys, or in the MultiCut Pie Menu
The Presets will be named automatically based on the values (--> )
or, use the "Manual Rename" button to name manually.

You can use relative (%) or fixed offset (in real measurements, like cm etc.) The one value will be used on both ends of the edge.

Note: Saving presets with fixed offset value NOT zero will be saved as a fixed offset preset. And vice versa.

Direct Loop Cut

Insert an edge loop on an edge at the mouse pointer. No selection needed (option).

Slide: Uses built-in Edge Slide afterwards
Center Cuts: With edge(s) selected & with the mouse over nothing or another object, a center-cut will performed
Multi-Cuts: Center Cuts, as above, on all selected edges' edge rings.
Limit Faces: Selected faces (on the edge ring) will limit the cut to those faces. Point the mouse over intended starting edge (or near it in space for mid-cut). Note: This works on "checker-selected" faces too.

It also works on Loose Edges (select and point, or multi-cut as above)

Option: Selection-Only or Mouse Pick Toggle.

Direct Insert Vertex

Variant of Direct Loop Cut that just inserts a single vertex.
Slide: Uses built-in Vertex Slide afterwards
Option: Selection-Only (or Mouse Pick) Toggle. (Shared with Direct Loop Cut)

Modifiers Module

Solo Cutter & Solo PreCutter

Also available in keKit SubD Pie Menu

Show Cutter Modifier


Toggle Modifier Visibility

Flat/Smooth Shading Toggle

Toggle Bevel Weight

Toggle Crease Weight

SubD Tools

Context Tools Module

Context Bevel

Launches appropriate bevel tool based on what element selection mode you are in:

Context Extrude

Launches appropriate extrude tool by selection mode:

Context Delete

Deletes elements by selection mode: VERTEX, EDGE or FACE - or Objects, in Object Mode.

Context Dissolve

Dissolves elements by selection mode: VERTEX, EDGE or FACE

Context Select / Extend / Subtract

Performs different selection by selection mode:
Tip: Intended for Double-click LMB: Assign dbl-click in preferences / Shortcuts
Shortcut Mapping Example

Bridge or Fill


Context Connect

Connect path between selected verts, subdivide geo, or activate the Knife tool.

Triple Connect Spin

Performs different operations depending on Edit Mesh selection mode:

Context Slide

Alternative one-click option for double-G slide. Should you need that. (Vert Slide in vertex mode, Edge slide in edge mode)

Transform Tools Module

TT Toggle

Sets which of the 3 Transform Tools (TT) is used for move, rotate & scale.
Cycle between the modes with TT Mode Cycle as a shortcut, or by clicking theTT viewport icons (enabled in prefs)
TT Move, TT Rotate and TT Scale can then replace each standard transform tool shortcut.

TT Dupe (Toggle): Launches TT-duplicate with toggle-able Data-Linking
TT Dupe: TT-duplicate (Never Data-Linking)
Linked (TT Dupe): TT-duplicate (Always with Data-Linking)

(Old) VIDEO (YT)

Mouse Axis

Runs Grab, Rotate or Scale (Resize) with Axis auto-locked based on your mouse direction using recalculated* orientation based on the selected Orientation type (except Gimbal).

*Orientation will be recalculated based on selected orientation slot. Note: If you set Normal Orientation in Edit Mode & go back to Object Mode it will result in Local being used, as there is no "Normal" orientation in Object Mode.

View Plane


Clean-Up Tools Module

Macro Mesh Clean

All the important bad geo* cleaning operations in one click.
*Double Geo, Loose Geo, Interior Faces, Degenerate Geo, Collinear verts, Tiny Edges. Example Image

Pie Menus Module

ke Pie Menus

The keKit Custom Pie Menus either expands (and replaces) the default Blender counterparts, are or keKit specific.
(old) VIDEO (YT)

Tip: Transparency on menu backgrounds in the viewport is a terrible idea - Fix: IMAGE

Blender Default Pie Menus
These are listed here mostly for shortcut reference & handling (RMB).

Note: The images of menus, panels etc. on this page are not updated to always be 100% up to date.


Snapping layout using built in snapping tools with an options panel.

Complete blender snapping settings & Snapping Combos


1cm to 1m preset values for Fit 2 Grid

keFit2Grid Micro

1micrometer to 1cm preset values for Fit 2 Grid


Blenders Orientation & Pivot panels + OPC Combo Slots


Shading pie replacement with extra options for quick access.
BG Sync, Studio Lighting, HDR backgrounds etc.
To change shortcut, go to:
Blender Preferences - Keymap /
3D View /
3D View Generic /


Viewport shading pie menu -
for quick access to scene & object shading options.

All Edge Overays: Toggles the 4 edge shading modes at once.
All Overlays: Toggles all overlay options on or off.

(old) VIDEO (YT)


Snap/Align menu replacement with more functionality.


Pie Menu for FitPrim

Edit & Object Mode layouts.

Note: New Objects can also be created from the Edit Mode pie.


Menu for ID Materials combined with Material Utils menu,
(if you have the Material Utils add-on enabled)

Automatic column sorting for large amounts of existing materials: IMAGE

Max Nr of materials displayed can be set in Material Utils add-on prefs.


Preset step rotations for selected object(s)
45, 90 and 180 degrees (either way), axis plane based on the view.
(Global, Local, Cursor & View Orientation - all else defaults to Global)

View & Cursor Bookmarks

Pie menu access for View & Cursor Bookmarks


Pie menu access for MultiCut presets.


Useful things for a simple semi-procedural Subd-Workflow
(WIP - This entire pie menu is Experimental Mode Only)

keMisc (Modeling)

Miscellaneous scripts (& vanilla blender tools) for modeling that I don't use often & aren't mouse dependent.

Or, not often enough for shortcuts, or I keep forgetting them.
Some I do use shortcuts for, but they fit well in the pie menu.

Bool Tool

*    *    *

keKit © Copyright - Kjell Emanuelsson
Blender GNU General Public License [GPLv3]