The Add-On provides extensive options for customizing & optimizing workflows.
An all-in-one collection of Scripts, Tools, Macros and Pie-Menus, etc.
Modular - The kit is composed of separate modules that can be enabled or disabled.
At your discretion - No preset shortcuts
Gumroad/Blender Market: Pro version (paid) - GitHub: Standard version (older, unsupported & free)The Pro version will be updated/patched continuously - Standard version will be updated eventually. Note: These links are the only recommended sources:
Please report any bugs/issues using this support form/format!
Note: keKit (Pro & Standard) may, or may not, work, in whole or partially, on any version of Blender (2.8+), but is only supported as stated at the top of this page.
EULA (Standard & Pro Version) is included with keKit and can also be found HERE
Delete the kekit add-on folder manually (Find HERE)
Do manually extract the new keKit folder from the downloaded zip-file there.
Restart blender
Kit Preferences
Export/Import keKit prefs in the Add-on preferences: Use the exported keKit prefs file to backup/restore/transfer your settings between Blender installs, different computers, etc.
Always export before upgrading keKit, and/or Blender
General Use
keKit is found in the 3d viewport tabs (the "N-panel")
Mouse-hover over each script in the keKit panels for tool-tip pop-ups.
Right mouse button for shortcut assignment.
Note: No keKit-default shortcuts are preset - you manage your own shortcuts.
Fixed: All modes now actually work (Operator rewrite)
The default operation is now 'Rotation' as this is the most common use-case
'Scale' copy is now also included
Operator change: Assigned shortcuts may need to be updated
[TT] Reverse Cycle Mode (New)
Added a button that reverse-cycles the TT-modes (Default, MouseAxis or ViewPlane) in the TT panel - so you can assign to 2 shortcuts for going back and forth, if you want. Or just the other way.
[TT] MouseAxis/ViewPlane (Upd/Fix)
Fixed: bug that used Proportional Editing in Object Mode if on in Edit Mode.
Added proper support for Object Mode Proportional Editing.
[Render] ID-Materials (Fix)
Fixed: "Apply" Error (bug) in 4.2LTS (Did not affect latest (4.4) - Unknown if other blender versions were having issues but they should also work now)
[Select] EmptyParent (New)
Parent objects to auto-created Empty for simple grouping purposes. Options in the redo panel: Tip: Customize preferred defaults in shortcut (and export kekit prefs)
Parent the selected objects, or the collection the active object belongs to
Empty created at Active Object Origin, Cursor or Origo
Empty can optionally inherit rotation from Active Obj or Cursor
Empty display size and type can be set
Parenting using default, Keep Transform, No Inverse or Keep + No Inverse modes
[Select] Ortho Snap (Re-Newed)
Ortho Snap is back! (Operator also renamed to 'Ortho Snap' for easier shortcut managment)
I missed it. Often better than (just) the vanilla Axis Snap. Also works well in addition.
[Geo] Unhide or Local Off (Fix)
Now restores transforms when Zero Local has been used (not just report)
[Select] VP Flip (Upd)
VP Flip is now "unlisted" in kekit panels. Too wonky and niche to support, but keeping it in for now.
The operator is still available in search or shortcut editor.
[kit] Prefs (Upd/Fix)
The operator manifest list has been neglected for a few updates, but is now updated and semi-automated (in the backend) to make it easier to for me to manage
You should export kekit prefs after upgrading!
[Bookmarks] Modifier Presets (Fix)
Negative boolean bug/logic fixed - will now correctly store 'False' settings!
[Clean-Up] Macro Mesh Clean (Fix)
"Degenerate geo" false positives fixed - it is now solely based on edge length (~zero)
It will now also be selection only (even in 'clean' mode, like 'tiny edges')
Changed "Tiny Edges" float value to distance type
[Geo] Copy+ [Fix]
Auto-merge ('M') option error fixed
[Geo] Box / Convex Hull (Upd)
Added automatic UV-map creation for both box and convex hull
[Pie] keSubD (Upd/Fix)
Upd: Now uses the Context Bevel default segment option (added in 3.39) also for any bevel modifier added though the SubD pie menu (previously hardcoded to 3)
Fix: Bevel Tweaker now also auto-runs when adding non-edge group bevel mods (angle, vertex groups) from SubD pie
[Geo] Extract & Edit (New/Upd)
New enum (in prefs/keymap) to select Origin as Copy, Active or Apply :
"Copy" : Extracted obj uses same origin (loc/rot) as source obj (default)
"Active" : Active Face or Edge(+2 connected edges) used for loc/rot origin placement
"Apply" : Apply loc/rot (0,0,0) to extracted geo obj
"Active" setting replaces old "Itemize" boolean: You may need to update shortcut(s)!
New: Object Properties Copy - Copy (or not) object properties (such as visibility etc.) to extracted object
IMAGE of keymap options. Note that 4/6 are prefs/keymap accessible only
[Bookmarks] View Bookmarks (Fix 3.41)
N-panel View Bookmarks menu now works again
Change: Renaming discontinued (Just load preset, save as new and then delete the old one)
[Bookmarks] Modifier Presets (New/Upd)
New Add-mode option added: (checked ON) will ADD the preset modifers when LOADING, instead of REPLACING them.
Note that 'Pin to Last' settings will NOT be loaded when using Add-mode, keeping any pinned modifiers unchanged.
Option is also found in keSubD pie and Modifier Presets pie
Renaming function has been removed. (Just load preset, save as new and then delete the old one)
[Pie] Step Rotate Pie Menu (New/Fix)
Added 'Scale Applied' validation/apply feature in the top slot, replacing 'Clear Rotation'. This determines if object scale is not 1,1,1 and the button can then be used to Apply Scale.
The Clear Rotation button ('R') is moved to replace the Loc+Rot Clear combo buttom (removed).
Fixed error message when attempting to use on invalid/no object
[Context] Context Bevel (Upd/New)
EDGE mode: As CB always resets segment count, a custom option to set a default has been added (in keKit Add-on prefs, Modal settings)
[Select] View Align Toggle (Fix)
Missing prop (since a couple of versions back) fixed/restored - now works again
[Pie] keOverlay Pie Menu
Wireframe button no longer limited to object mode
[Modifiers] Bevel Tweaker (Fix 3.38)
bug fix: Will now work when also using SubD mod (etc.) after the Bevel mod in Object Mode
[Bookmarks] Modifier Presets (Fix 3.37)
bug fix: Panel properties (UI-props, like "show expanded") would not save negative values
bug fix: Some (as above) would only be stored for node-groups (like "Smooth by Angle")
[Modifiers] Bevel Tweaker (Upd)
Added separate Multiplier for Precision Mode in Add-on Prefs
[Pie] ke Bool Tool (Upd)
Added a "N/A" disabled box for Boolean Adjustment panels, to hint that additional functionality exists, as these menus only shows up when a active 'Brush' (AKA 'Cutter') or 'Canvas' object is selected otherwise.
[Pie] Focus Modifier (Fix)
Will now prioritize using any open Boolean Properties Tab (instead of just the first listed)
[Modifiers] Bevel Tweaker (Upd/Fix)
Changed behaviour to start on current bevel offset value (instead of reset)
Bevel sensitivity is relative to starting bevel value, but "Precision Mode" will be more more exact 1mm steps (Note: It will also be affected by sensitivity multiplier in prefs)
Added Profile Shape shortcuts on Z, X, C as 0.5, 0.7 & 1
Moved (Overlap) Clamp shortcut to Q (previously undocumented!)
Fixed (or, lessened) issue where it could be impossible to select an angle bevel modifier in Object Mode on low poly meshes when other Edge-group bevels are present. It is now possible, but you may need to "mouse point" as far away from any edge-group bevel as possible (as they take priority). Or just toggle in the modal.
[Pie] ke Bool Tool (Upd)
Added Edit Mode Boolean-type operators (only had "Carve" tools previously):
Intersect (Boolean), Intersect (Knife) and keKit ops: Bool Knife, Active Slice, Extrude Along Edges & Nice Project
Edit Mode Pie Menu: Open Bevel Pie Menu in Edit Mode instead of Bevel Tweaker's Edit Mode
Auto: Automatically run Bevel Tweaker when adding a new Bevel Modifier in Bevel Pie Menu
[Pie] Bevel Pie Menu (NEW)
The Bevel Modifiers' Edge Weight Attribute support (B4.3+) enables more flexible Bevel workflows. The 'Edge Groups' (unofficial shorthand for the 'Edge Attribute layers') can be managed by the keKit Bevel Pie Menu. The Menu is thus only for B4.3+.
Most useful in Edit Mode.
Added Modifier Focus feature (same as in Bevel Pie Menu): Clicking on Icon/Title of listed Mod will open Properties/modifier tab and collapse all modifiers, except the "focused" modifier which will be expanded and set to Active. See same feature for SubD Pie for video demo.
Note: The Bevel Pie Menu will manage any mode of the Bevel Modifier (not just Edge Groups)
Includes a pie slot for Bevel Tweaker Edit Mode Bevel Modifier tweaking.
Also available as an integration option for Bevel Tweakers Edit Mode for use with new Bevels (if BT Auto-options is enabled) (to make it possible for both to share a single shortcut)
[Pie] Subd Pie Menu (Upd/New)
Modifier Focus feature: Clicking on Icon/Title of listed Mod will open Properties/Modifier tab and collapse all modifiers, except the "focused" on that's expanded and set to Active: QUICK DEMO VIDEO
Added Edge Group Managment (similar to keKit Bevel Pie Menu)
Added Modifier Presets listing
Added Bevel Tweaker slot
UI (for 4.3+) minor changes
[Modifiers] Toggle Bevel Weight (Upd/New)
Redo Panel Edge Group Selection - picking which group will be affected by TBW (in B4.3+)
Use operator with no elements selected to change group without affecting edges