I2M - Backlog
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- Fix: Boolean mode "cropping" bug fixed
- New UI: Mesh Type selector is now in the main panel (see I2M Intro Video above)
- Autofit (The old default): Automatically fits all resolutions to 1 Blender Unit (1m)
- Width: Set a custom width/size in BU (meter)
- Pixel Width: Set pixel size in BU (meter) (Mesh Width = Pixel Width * Work Res") EXAMPLE VIDEO
- Automatic update-check has been removed. No need - Not that many updates
- Added Color 2 Material Mode
- Assigns a material by most common colors, with a threshold value. IMAGE
- Works with or without Alpha/RGB-as-alpha:IMAGE
- (1k+ high detail images will be slow: Smoothing not recommended.)
- Adjust material outlines with smoothing value. IMAGE
- Automatic, will not work for all cases: (Disable, and use blender smooth-tool post-i2m for tricky cases)
- Note: c2m mode is intended for distinct color-separation: "Busy" images will not work: IMAGE
- Color reduction threshold option added for Vertex Color Mode. IMAGE
- Custom panel location fixed - Assign the kit location in Add-on prefs.
- Add-on category changed from "Modeling" to "Import-Export"
- Add Border Expand feature (dilation). Also works in rgb mode.IMAGE
- Added support for using the same image on all 3 boolean slots (Front, Right & Top)
- Fixed rounding error (noticable on low res) IMAGE
- Fixed “reverse” tolerance in rbg mode (behaves more like the alpha slider now)
- Fixed some object invalidation issues when switching to & from boolean mode
- Batch Process bug fixed (invalid screw flip property when redoing batch)
- Custom Work Resolution
- Vertex Color Mode (or, “retro pixel gfx mode”) Uses vertex colors for each face, converted from the image pixels.
- Fixed Console Text Output Total count error
- Fixed update notification link
- Added Batch Processing operator for PLANE and SCREW modes.
- Uses last used settings: Load just *one image* first to tweak settings before batching an entire folder.
- Bools are not (& will not be) batchable.
- Better Dissolve (and just one now). Worst Case-ish example IMAGE 1K @ ~1 minute (old 12C)
- User RGB instead of Alpha option (in add-on prefs)