keKit [MODO]
Version 1.306 2023-04-27 ISO8601
ISO8601 - Copyright © Kjell Emanuelsson - MIT License
Python3 (> MODO 15) was supported. Should™ work on older versions too.
Note: No longer in active development - like MODO itself...
- keKit for MODO:
- Provides extensive options for customizing & optimizing workflows.
- Contains dozens & dozens of scripts; tools, macros and pie-menus etc.
- The most recent updates are in the Release Notes below

Note: These links are the only recommended sources
- Installation
- Open user content folder (available in modo system menu).
- Put the kit folder in the plugin folder.
- Installation Video Tutorial
- Updating
- Replace/Overwrite the old kit folder!
- Usage Instructions
- Mouse-hover over each script in the kit in modo, or,
- Read header info directly in the .py files in a text editor.
--- LINKS ---
- Update 1.306
- FitPrim : Reverted changes due to format() bug.
- Note: keKit versions v1.303 -> 1.306 are now all available on Gumroad
- Update 1.305
- Convex Hull : Fixed Element Mode bugs (should now work in element mode + multi item element mode. only tested on modo 10)
- Update 1.304
- Python3+ conversion issues fixed (probably!)
- Hotkey assignment bug for Item Mode Toggle fixed
- Kit Menu cleanup & version nr fix
- Added Fill-Slicer script to menu (was already included, just not in the menu): Contextual tool, see tool-tip for modes.
- Update 1.303
- Converted scripts for Python 3 support. (Consider it a beta, as it is pretty much untested.) keKit 1.301 is still available on gumroad for 2.7.
- Update 1.301
- Fixed selection bug in Bounding Box script: It will now create a bbox around a selection (or all if nothing is selected, as is the modo way.) Both in world space mode and local space (item rotation) mode.
- Update 1.3
- (Misc) Added Item Mode Toggle. Toggles between item and element mode, and remembers which mode you were in. (like in blender, for example)
also Minor tweaks, and version nr bump just to give a slightly better status comparison to the blender kit version nr.
- Update 1.165
- Added new mode for Nailgun to parent instances to target mesh use tool choice in nail gun menu and ctrl-shift to map hotkey.
- Update 1.161
- Updated Unrotator Fixed "center" mode.
- Update 1.16
- Updated Mouse Mirror : Added "Merge" alternative; merges mirror geo + UV-mirror & offset to avoid mirrortangled uvs). +optimization.
- Update 1.155
- Added DupeToPoly : dupes first selected item to all faces in last selected item (with optional arguments in the menu).
- Update 1.154
- Updated SnapMode 1.1 (snapping modes in pie-menu)
- Transform tools are now reselected also in Item mode.
- Update 1.153
- Fixed FitPrim two-vert mode offset bug when used across two mesh layers (item transforms).
- Update 1.152
- ACTUALLY Fixed bug in FitPrim where single poly fitting used the wrong sizes.
- Update 1.151
- Fixed bug in FitPrim where single poly fitting used the wrong sizes.
- Update 1.15
- Added Convex Hull 1.0 (and Convex Hull Each) script. .
- Also, changed the hotkey for assigning hotkeys to CTRL-SHIFT, instead of just CTRL.
- Update 1.13
- Fixes for Replace All with Last : Unparenting / Instance source replacement issues fixed + selecting result now.
- Update 1.12
- Minor fix for ke_atlastexelmap.py removed pack line as it wont work on certain versions for some reason (not rly needed anyways...)
- Update 1.11
- Fixed Unrotator 1.4 Item placement should work now, also using target geo normals for placement for better subd placement.
- Update 1.1
- Added new scripts: Randomize Items, Atlas & Texel UV-map, MakePoly & UV. Also updated Cavity Bridge, so it does'nt merge -allthe verts.
- Update 1.072
- Added new script: Replace All with Last. Turns ALL selected items into the same as the LAST selected with the individual transforms intact. Like this.
- Update 1.071
- Added new mode to Unrotator: Center places geo to target geometrys centerpoint (in the middle of faces).
- Update 1.07
- Unwrapper 2.0 added (in UV-pie). I prob should do a video...maybe later Just try it in the UV pie and/or read the script header for now ;>
Also, ContextJoin & Collapse updated with multi-layer (+ unselected, but active "foreground" layers) support.
- Update 1.065
- Added ContextJoin and ContextCollapse (will use resp. join or collapse depending on selection type) along with my Merge & Tools pie menu.
- Update 1.064
- Added Crease Weight script & pie menu. Also added edge weighting pie menus.
- Update 1.063
- Fit2Grid v1.2 Update Fixed value input bug + Added better micrometer support & micrometer fit2grid pie
- Update 1.062
- Material Backup (will backup unused materials), SelectMoreUntilLoop & Select Parents (selects selections parents instead for grouped) added.
- Update 1.061
- Fit2Grid v1.1 Update Added user value prompt (argument) for custom grid size (This variant is also in the menu, not just in the pie.)
- Update 1.06
- Added Arrange Items, Switch Places, Purge Images and Purge All. Also made changes to Cavity Bridge.
- Update 1.05
- Retube 1.0 , Quick Tube Scale, Unrotator "selection only" mode + bugfixes, piemenus.
- Update 1.042
- CavityBridge 1.1 Adressed pretty bad bug ! Should work a lot better for heavily subdivided edges now!
- Update 1.041
- MouseFlip1.3 : Fixed various re-selection bugs & issues!
- Update 1.040
- Added CavityBridge 1.0.
- Update 1.038
- MatchCenters fix filters selection, only mesh items (for now)
- Update 1.038
- Added MatchCenters script. Added new modes for Center2Selected + visibility fix. Visibility & (no) selection fix for Unrotator.
- Update 1.037
- Fixed & Added new toolmode for bbox: Local (uses item transforms for orientation) + (working in both world space and local space)
- Update 1.037
- MouseMirror 2.0 Functionality change : In POLY MODE now only mirrors SELECTION. VERT or EDGE selection will CONNECT.
- Update 1.036
- Unrotator 1.23 bugfix! doh.
- Update 1.036
- Unrotator 1.22 (should not need using "flip" as much now) and some adjustments to unwrapper & uvplanarselected.
- Update 1.035
- Added ke_fit2grid v1.0 :
- Snaps every selected vert from element selection (or all verts, if in item mode) to nearest grid position as specified.
- Meant for low poly use, a few verts at a time will be very very slow on > 1k vert selections.
- Verts already on the specified grid will not be fit to grid.
- See the count of fitted verts in the event log.
- Fitted verts will be selected. ( set "select_fitted" variable to False to skip.)
- Could be useful just to check if you are actually on grid...
- Assuming metric units used (meters: just convert the arguments (yourself!) in the pie cfg if needed;>)
- Update 1.034
- Added ke_slice and ke_fillslicer (unlisted) + ke_edgesplit (unlisted) -bugfixes to ke_center2selected (works in item mode now...) and TripleSplitSpin.
- Update 1.033
- Updated TripleSplitSpin 1.3 Added default split behaviour mode (splits all polys sharing verts)
- Update 1.032
- Updated TripleSplitSpin 1.2 Now stand alone! Also, has spikey! (see video here)
- Update 1.021
- Updated Unrotator with edge selection tweak.
- Update 1.02
- Added Mesh Item (& instance) support to Mouse Mirror & Mouse Flip (+ pie menu w. macro)
- Update 1.0
- Somewhat final added Unrotator, CircleQuad +some minor tweaks & stuff. Some scripts have been replaced in the menu, still in the kit tho.
- Update 0.2
- Speed improvements: Nailgun (Major), QuickPaste (minor), also added the slots to Nailgun, finally. new script "placeItemThere"
- Update 0.15
- Added Rot2GroundCenter, offsetWP2sel, RotWPy90 + pie menu update.
- 1st public release ~ Jan 8th 2018
- Initial release VIDEO (YT)